Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pray For America

I received the below in an email message and was asked to send it to everyone in my email address book. I thought posting it to the Internet might be better and reach more people. However, please feel free to copy and paste to an email to send out to everyone. May God Bless Us All!

Here is the message:
We are speeding towards one world government and the second coming at a rapid pace. I remember reading about the children of Israel who turned from God time and time again, only to realize their mistake and pray for forgiveness. Each time, God would forgive them and they would walk with him for a time. So, I am going to ask you to join me in praying for our nation every day. God is in control!!! Our president did not encourage participation in the National Day of Prayer. He called it an event. He thinks it should be private prayer instead of Public Prayer. May God Have Mercy On America & Protect Our Troops! In Texarkana last week, there were signs in people's yards that said, "America, Prayer Our Only Hope" with 2 Chron. 7:14 underneath. We certainly need God's help!Our nation is and has been on the slippery slope for a long time. If you look around you will find corruption, greed, moral decay, and a steady move away from the things that made us great. The principles upon which this nation was founded are no longer our backbone. However, we can reverse this trend. 2 Chron. 7:14 in God's word he states, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." I am convinced that we must pray for our nation and its leaders and ask for forgiveness. So I ask you to join me in this plea to our Lord.Would you please send this to people in your address book (send it to all of them); ask them to pray EVERYDAY... (25 to only the 5th power is 9,765,625 people..) IMAGINE if each person reaches TEN others...or all TWENTY FIVE! If you do and they comply, we will lift up millions and millions of prayers a day to our Creator. He will hear us and in faith will answer.Let me just add a quote from Ronald Reagan. "If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." I truly believe this is why the United States of America is in the shape we are in today. Most people have forgotten that we are one nation under God! Let us as Christians stand up and remind people of this!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Emory Texas - Some Info about where I live...

My family and friends will know where Emory, Texas is, but for some of the people who follow my blog that might not know, here is a generalization. I live 26 miles south of Greenville, Texas, about 25 miles north of Canton, Texas (home of first Monday trade days), and East of Rockwall about 40 minutes. I'm unable to translate 40 minutes into miles as once I moved from the city, I didn't really measure things by miles.

The population in this town is probably less than 1500. There is a sign entering the city limits that says population 1021 I think, but I'm not sure how old that sign is as we have lived here going on 7 years and it hasn't been changed. I don't know, maybe no one moves in and no one leaves.. You just are born and die here and so the number never changes...

What stores are here? Well there is a Radio Shack, Alco (similar to walmart but a whole lot smaller), Dollar Store and Family Dollar Store, Potts Feed Store, Hooten's Hardware and an Ivan Smith Furniture. Those are probably the biggest.

Are there any restaurants? Yes, Circle H bbq, Sonic, Subway, Jimenez Mexican, Chubby's Diner, Arbys, Dairy Queen, Y'all Come Back Cafe, and Don's.

Is there any entertainment? There are no movie theaters, no skating rinks, no arcades or bowling alleys, no pool halls, or anything along that line. There is a movie rental place, and if there is anything else you want to do, you have to travel to Canton, Greenville, Sulphur Springs, Tyler, Rockwall or Mesquite.

However, it does offer a quiet, country living, friendly people, and two lakes and hunting and fishing. A place to raise children and have animals of any sorts, of course outside the city limits.

That is just a little about this quiet East Texas town. I hope you will stop in on your way through and have a coke or a glass of tea... Enjoy the quietness. May God Bless you all... Oh and there are several churches if you are traveling through and need a place to worship on Sunday... We attend and are members of Emory Baptist Church... It is just across diagonally from the courthouse.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

How Do You

Okay some of you have asked how to subscribe to my blogs. There is a place that says subscribe and ask for an email address. If you click on that, it will open a new screen and you should be able to add your email address. If that doesn't work, there should be a place that says become a follower? Click on that and it should walk you through. Thanks for the comments and please keep reading. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love L

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Christmas Wish

My Christmas wish is not something that family and friends can necessarily fill. My Christmas wish is not something you can hold in your hand, it doesn't come in a box nor can it be placed under the tree. My Christmas wish is for both my husband and me. My Christmas wish is something only God can fulfill. My faith is strong and I know deep in my heart and soul that God hears my pleas and cries. I know He will answer in His time, but it is hard as the days go by not to be disappointed that my prayers have not been answered. Maybe God is trying to teach us a lesson. I'm not sure. So what is my Christmas wish? It is simple. My wish is that God show my husband and I where He wants us to be and what He wants us to do. My wish is that we do work that glorifies God and not so that we have to worry if we can pay the rent and the utilities and buy a few groceries. My wish is that we can help others prosper from doing that, but prosper not monetarily but spiritually. I know I probably didn't say that right, but hopefully you will know what I mean. I know that God will. My wish is that we can live our lives and not have to worry or stress and that we can be happy, and help others with the life that God has planned. Love, L

Monday, December 7, 2009

Typical Monday

Its a typical Monday morning, chilly, damp and I don't want to work outside today.. But I will if we go. We are close to finishing this job and I really hope we make enough to catch things up and have enough for a little Christmas. If not, I'm sure God will take care of our needs. I miss my family, my friends, and my socializing outside of family with co-workers and clients. I don't miss the clients enough to want to go back to corporate America, but I do miss it.

We made both church services yesterday. I really like the church and the people. I can feel God at work there, and sometimes it is hard not to cry during singing and invitation. I know that is God working in my life. I know God has something wonderful planned for me and Norman. I just wish He would let us know what it is.

Hope you all have a wonderful, God blessed day! Wishing each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas!

Bible Verse: 1 Peter 1:16

Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Too Much Thinking

Sometimes I think it is possible to think too much... Lately, I have been losing sleep because it is like my brain never shuts down. Impossible right? Wrong... I hate it when I have so much on my mind that I can't sleep. We all have troubles these days, and yes those keep me awake and worried, but I know that God is taking care of that... but lately, I've been thinking that maybe my life needs to be pointed towards a new direction. I've been telling my husband for a long time, that I would love to be able to try to live off the land, and live "green" instead of trying so hard to keep work coming in, and not having a place of our own. I know to go green, and be financially free, it takes money. Is that an oxymoron? Anyway, I would love to have a little farm or ranch, that would produce enough for us to have food, and money, and not have to worry. Is that possible? I'm not sure. Of course, if I could use my writing to help bring in the income that would be cool too. Does my husband share my same wish? He would like to be financially free, and able to work as a general contractor when he wanted too, and not because we have to have the money. Will we ever get there? I'm not sure, but it has made us both stop and re-examine our lives, and think more seriously about what we want our futures to be. Could we sell everything we don't have to have, and get up and walk away from the life we have now? I'm not sure. I would also love to be able to do more with the church. So have I been thinking too much???? Only God knows that, and God also knows what is in our hearts and what we need and what we want. God will take care of everything in His time, and not ours. We love our new church family. Is this the church we are suppose to be part of? God will let us know in time. God Bless each and everyone of you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Bucket List

My husband and I recently watched, "The Bucket List", with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. The movie is not exactly what I thought it was going to be, but it was a really good movie and it did raise a few questions. Like do you have funeral arrangements made so your loved ones don't have to worry about them? Are you finances in shape so that you don't leave behind debt for your family? And of course, do you have a bucket list? As far as my funeral arrangements, I want a Viking burial.... no grave, no flowers every year and I want a party to celebrate me going home to live with Jesus... Finances, we struggle constantly with that, but are hopefully that with in the next couple of years those will also be under control. Most important on this topic is the bucket list. I can't wait to see responses!!! Share 5 things you want to do before you die... Here are my five..

1. Swim with the sharks around the Great Barrier Reef
2. Go to Kenya or Tanzania on a photo safari shoot.
3. Go Tandem skydiving with my husband..(This is on his bucket list)
4. Fly a helicopter
5. Train one dog to help someone that is hearing impaired.

I could go on and on, but that is five of things I would like to do...

Please share your bucket list. May God Bless you all, Love, L

Monday, November 30, 2009

Here is my Prayer for the day

Psalm 5

1Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation.
2Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.
3My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.
4For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.
5The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.
6Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the LORD will abhor the bloody and deceitful man.
7But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.
8Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.
9For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.
10Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against thee.
11But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.
12For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield.
I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, November 23, 2009

What Inspires me?

There are many things that inspire me as well as many people. My mother has always inspired me to follow my dreams. My sisters say that writing is my gift. My husband has encouraged me and has inspired me to keep writing stories and on all of my blogs. My husband, mother and my sisters, I think all read my blogs. I have four that I maintain and it is those times when I can step back and really think, escape or share my beliefs, hopes, dreams and my imagination. However, there are many other things that inspire me. Things like hearing someone say something funny, sad or profound. Seeing the break of day, a night sky full of stars, the birth of a puppy, or a newborns cry, these things inspire me as well. Snowing falling, rain an sun streaming through threes these are all God's handy work and are inspiring. Most of the time my inspiration comes from the way I feel about a person, a particular situation or something that has happened in my life. It sometimes comes from the need to know that my writing my possibly help some one else over come a hurdle in their life. My dreams have inspired me for years as well as the goals I set for myself. There have been times in the last year that I felt I should give up, and I recently wrote about it. A very good friend told me not to give up, to be strong. So that is what I'm doing while I wait for my next inspiration. May God Bless you all. L

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dreams.... To Follow or Give Up

Some times it seems that I'm being given signs to keep believing that one day I'll have my dream, and then there are days when I think it is useless and just to give up. How do you know when it is time to let it go?? Is it a feeling? Are there definite signs??? Do I keep pushing? I'm not sure any more. I'm 47 years old and I think it is time that I redefine what is important to me. I love animals but I know that my husband does not share my enthusiasm for them. I love writing, but in the last few months I've had signs that maybe it is not to be... I finished my book Scattered Thoughts and I really would like to publish it. Even if I self-published it would be a goal that I accomplished this year. However, I know there are some things that would hurt people if I published it, and that is not something I want to do. Even though there are no names, of people directly it would make hard feelings and there are already enough of those I feel like some times. I don't know how many times in the last few months that I've been told I need to let go of the anger, and the funny thing is I'm not angry. I've been told I'm bitter. I don't see it... I've been told I'm depressed.. maybe. I've lost a lot of good friends since I quit corporate America. I don't have any close friends and I was even told that was because I push people away. Maybe? So when do you know to call it quits? When do you decide it is time to let those things go, and just try to make it in the world? Maybe it is time to go some place new and start over? Maybe I am a bitter angry person and that is why I can't see the things I need to see. I guess I'm just questioning things. I'm having a hard time staying focused on the present, because the future is so unsure. I just don't know....

Monday, November 16, 2009

Three Questions

I have a friend who writes a blog called, "Striving for 31", She is the wife of a Baptist preacher in North Carolina. Her blogs are more, so much more than mine are and raise a lot of questions for me sometimes. Today or the last post I read was titled, "Getting to know you...". She asked 10 questions, three of which I left blank. The three questions that I didn't answer are as follows:

  • What do you really want for Christmas?

  • If you could ask God one question (anything goes) what would you ask Him?

  • What inspires you?

Those three questions have stumped me. Normally I would have an answer flying from my fingertips to a key board, but this year has been so different, unusual, full of trials and tribulations and has made me step back and re-examine aspects of my life. I have no regrets about the decisions that I have made and that have brought me to this point. So I'm trying to answer these questions and I'm trying to be as truthful with myself and with you, my readers.

So here is one of the questions: What do I really want for Christmas?

This should be a fairly easy and simple question, but its not. I could ask for something frivolous like a bottle of perfume or some new clothes or a video game or a new DVD, but that is not what I really want. I guess deep down, I just want to be happy and healthy and I have both of those already. I love my husband and my family and I want for all of them to be happy, healthy, wealthy and wise. That is or would be an exceptional gift! It is a gift that only God can give and I ask that for them all.

As for the other two questions, what question would I ask God? That one will be addressed on the following blogspot: What inspires me? I will address on this blogspot as soon as I write my answer. May God Bless each and everyone of you in the days to come, and may He fulfill all your needs, desires and wants... Love, L

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Running 100 mph

Whew!! That is all I can say!!! My daughter broke her hand last Friday. We took her to the orthopedic yesterday and she has a nice fiberglass cast now. She is having great difficulty learning to do things with only one hand. However, have you ever stopped to think about what you do with both hands and take it for granted??? I mean like taking a shower and washing your hair, opening up a can of soup, pulling up your pants or putting on a shirt.... I mean can you do those things with one hand????? Anyway, she is adjusting and she goes back to the doctors in a month. However, she is stressed beyond belief.

I feel like I'm running trying to take care of her but I would do it know matter what. She has taken care of me so many times, with a bum knee, after gastric bypass, and when I had mono. Between her and my mom, I'm indebted until the day I die.

I hit the floor running almost every morning by five am or 5:30, and I'm not usually in the bed before 10:30 and if I am, I'm dead within minutes and don't sleep but a couple of hours. Life is full these days and I'm loving it. My favorite parts are working on my blogs, my bible studies, and doing just normal wife things. Today, however, I need a nap. I'm glad my husband got back in time to mow the lawn. Now, dishes, dinner, the remainder of the laundry, and hopefully bed before midnight. Oh and we have a job!!! Yes God does take care of all our needs and gives us the energy to handle the things He lets us keep. May God Bless you all. Please say a prayer for my daughter for her hand, and for the rest of my family as they have the flue. Love you all, L

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The End of the Week

Wow, it has been one of those weeks where I seemed to be at a dead run, but had nothing really to do. I finished a baby blanket, found the hot pad boards to return to my sister, worked on my bible study, came up with a new name for a new blog, and nursed my dog back to health. Other than that it was just normal household chores like cleaning, laundry, and budgeting for bills, oh and my daughter broke her hand. Go figure! So why do I feel like something was missing? If you read my blogs, I just wrote a conversation with God. I have those a lot, more now than I use to, and much deeper than they use to be. We are going to church again. Everyone is really nice, you can feel the love in the church, and everyone makes sure to speak and say hi, and no one said, "you have my seat." We know several people that already go there, and that makes it nice. We can walk across the street and we are there. We are going again tomorrow. I'm glad. I wasn't sure if we would or not. I'm not sure what next week will be like. I love working with my husband and brother in law, but sometimes it is difficult, especially if there are no facilities for potty breaks. I want my website to work. I want to write and be able to make a living, and not just a living to get us by or to pay the bills, but to be a legitimate income. I'm not looking for fame or to get rich. I just want to do more than survive. I don't want to have to worry about the weather effecting work, or the time of year when it is slow for general contracting, and I don't want my husband to have to work until he is 80. I know God will show us what we need to do, so in the meantime, please check out my website:, and my other blogs:, and, and there will soon be a new one, the name will be announced soon. May God Bless you all this week. Love, L

Monday, November 2, 2009

Can't Shake It

Do you ever have days where your brain will just not shut off for a few minutes? I mean even why you are sleeping, your brain continually thinks. Or do you ever have a day, where one single thing takes all the brain capacity you have and will not go away? For some reason today has been one of those days. I woke up in an excellent mood. It was a little chilly, coffee was made and you could smell it all over the house... ahhh it was so good. I'm not sure what triggered the mood change. I'm not sure what made the thoughts enter and why they will not leave. It wasn't just one single thought. It was several. I did my devotionals this morning, prayed just like always. So why is the devil taking over? I prayed for God to send him away. So what are the thoughts that have been plaguing me today? Where am I headed? What am I suppose to do with my life? Will life ever be normal again? Why do things happen just before the holidays? I've asked myself that last question for years. I guess that is why I don't really enjoy the holidays any more. It always seemed that something either happens just before a major holiday or while everyone is together. I love visiting family so what happened in my life to make things change? I can probably answer that question, and all the ones above but it is best sometimes to leave things unsaid, not spoken. May God Bless You all. Love L

Friday, October 30, 2009

Three Things Today

First, I'm going to be starting a new blog that I will strictly use for the writing of stories and sharing excerpts from Novels I have written. I hope you will tune in, and I will make the name announcement as soon as I come up with one. The frequency on that blog will not be as often as I write on the others.

Two, It is no secret or shouldn't be that I did drugs when my daughter was small. I snorted speed for about a month. The one feeling that is still very strong from that episode of my life, is feeling my pulse race and the blood move through my veins. There is no way to describe that feeling to another person, unless they, themselves have experienced it. Anyway, last night during dinner, I began experiencing that feeling. It makes me very nauseous now, and I'm not sure what caused it. We were eating frozen pizzas that we just bought about a week ago, so I don't think it was food poisoning. It took puking to and an aspirin to make it go away, and I had to lay down. I hate that!

Third thought or thing for the day. I haven't had a drink since June. I know that has only been about 4 months, but it has been more difficult than I thought. I didn't drink that often or so I thought, but for the last week, I have wanted to buy a six pack of Jack's Hard colas and drink everyone. I'm still drink free, but temptation has been awful and it doesn't make it any easier now that they sell it here in town at both the grocery stores and the convenience store.

Have a great Friday! and a Happy Halloween, Or Harvest Festival. May God Bless you all.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog Makeover

Hi everyone! I've done an extreme blog makeover today. Please go check it out and tell me what you think of the new look.

May God Bless you all today!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Mother/Daughter Time

On Saturday, my daughter, Caity and I spent half the day together. It was fun. We were in Greenville and they had some exotic animals there. I have some photos of a tiger.. He didn't seem real happy and I will try to add them to the blog. We also went shopping for a baby shower gift for our friend Blair... It was fun and neither one of us can wait until we can pick out baby stuff for what will be my grandchild... hopefully some time in the near future. Like a good mom, after shopping I paid for lunch from Taco Bell. It was just a good time.

Tonight, my mom called and we spent over an hour on the phone talking. It was good, much laughing and having trouble remembering and laughing cause we can't read or remember things anymore. I love the time I spend with my mom, and my daughter. I love them both munches... Oh BTW, munches is a new word I created. It stands for saying I love you this much and I love you bunches..May God bless you continually... L

My Blogs

I published a blog late last night entitled "Choices". Just for the record it was not aimed at any one person in particular. It was not specific. There are a lot of times we have to make choices in this life and those choices are some times forced upon us by others. So here is an apology to anyone I may have hurt. Again, my blogs are my opinions and I write what I feel. May God continue to bless your lives...

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19, 2009 - Scattered Thoughts

I'm pretty sure I updated everyone that I am not signing with the literary agency that I received the contract with for my book. I have an uneasy feeling and they have yet to respond to my last question. SO with that said, I'm back to looking for a publisher. Anyway, my thoughts are so scattered today, that I'm not sure what is going on.... I didn't feel very good all day yesterday and didn't move far from the bed. Today, I'm so tired I can hardly hold my eyes open and I have to go to Sunnyvale this evening as my cousin passed away on Saturday. I'll probably be by myself as Norman is working in Mabank. I didn't feel good today or I would have been with him. I have kept busy today by adding to my website, with something you can purchase. I make commission on anything that is sold through the links. The Faithwear link is still not functional, but the other two are and I also have some free downloads and some traffic exchanges that you can join to drive traffic to your website. Hope everyone is having a good Monday! May God Bless you all!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 15 - Life Update

Okay so we are tired of the rain. One and half days of sunshine out of 14, 1 cloudy day... Not a great way to start off October. We are almost finished with the job in Canton. Hopefully we will have it finished by tomorrow. My website is under construction and I have found some wonderful Christian sites that allow you to be an affiliate and advertise the items they have to sale. It's commission, but I think I found a couple of really good sites that offer wonderful things. One of the biggest updates is that I have decided not to go with the literary agency that I have been talking and interacting with. It just doesn't' feel right. So I'm back to finding a publisher. However, I think, once my friend Amber is through with the edits, I'm just going to post it on my website for sale as an ebook. Okay that's it for the day or for right now. I'm up way earlier than I need to be... but need to work on website and stuff before my physical job.. Maybe this is why I'm so tired... May God Bless you all!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Have You Ever Wondered Where Your Life Has Gone?

Okay so its not like my life has ended, but it just seems like it has all been a blur, especially the last 7 years. I mean we moved, my life changed dramatically when I had gastric bypass, I met and fell in love and got married, and things got complicated. Complicated is not bad, just hard to handle sometimes. I love my husband and would not change the last 4 years for anything. He filled a place that had been empty all my life. My daughter grew up, fell in love and got married. I quit a job with an industry I had been in for 23 years, and I don't miss the job, I miss the people. My parents moved to Denton, I lost my grandmother, a home, and all my dogs. Do I have any regrets? No not really, just wish that I had done more in the last 15 or 23 years than I did. I think if I had thought it possible, I would have had a gastric bypass when they first came up with the surgery. I would have traveled more, been better with my money, and maybe made a few decisions differently. However, if that had changed the people I have met, then maybe I don't really want that after all. It is true, that people come in and out of your life for a reason. Some are there just for the moment, others are there for the long haul. But all of them leave you with some little tidbit of information, or a feeling or a memory, or a thought that makes you smile, or makes you cry. What do I want to do with the rest of my life? Well that is another post and another day. May God Bless you all. L

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Life Update

During the last two weeks, my life has been what seemed like a whirlwind, with lots of dust swirling around. Things that I thought I needed to do, didn't get done, but that was okay. I'm an obsessive compulsive, and some times, it gets the better of me. I receive daily devotionals from a pastor named Alaistar Beggs. I use to love to listen to him on the radio. He always has a great message. It was one of these devotionals that made me realize that I miss the in depth studies I had for the one semester at Criswell Bible College. So since I read that passage, devotional, I have been studying. My husband has a great knowledge of the bible as well as his brother, his mother, stepfather, my sister in laws, my mother, and my sisters. I've learned something in the last two weeks, that even though I looked at them as being sinless, they aren't, and this includes my mother, father, sisters, my child, inlaws, outlaws, and everyone else related. No one is, even if we are Christians and strive to be sinless, there are still times that we sin or are sinners. Jesus saved me, a sinner when I wasn't but a new teenager. However, no one took me by the hand and said, "Now this is how you need to live and you need to learn God's word. You need to bring others to Jesus." My husband and I have not attended church since about September of 2008. Why? Well life got in the way, and I no longer felt God's presence in that church. Was that what really was happening? Or was I just consumed by my life happenings, that I couldn't feel God? I'm not sure I really know the answer to that question. I do know that God has opened my eyes about a lot of things. I was raised a Baptist. My grandfather was a deacon in Hilltop Baptist Church. My Aunt and Uncle were members there, that is where I first walked the aisle and made my public confession of faith. That is where I was baptized. I feel like I have finally found answers to questions that have plagued me for a long time. I thank God for that.... I know God will continue to drive me the direction I need to go. My husband and I are starting to talk about going back to church. I'm not sure where that will be physically, I do know that we are both Baptist and I'm not looking to give up my denomination and neither is he. May God bless each and every person that reads this. I'm going to share my testimony on my other blog. Blessings, L

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Website Update

Hello everyone, this is just a simple note to let everyone know that I updated my website today and have a few things out there to see. I'm offering an article for sale, and I have placed some photos of some thing I'm thinking about offering on my website for purchase. Please go take a look. The web address is The article for sale is the Honesty article I placed on one of my blogs.

Another thing I'm offering is wood work art, with scriptures burnt into the wood. There are photos on the website.

I may go to my other blog and place some photos. Please let me know what you think.

May God bless you...L

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I've been thinking about this for awhile. I exchange my old cell phone and service carrier for one on my husband plan with a full keyboard. It seemed that I used text messaging more than the phone service. So at the beginning of July, I got a whole new set up. I sent the new number to my friends and family, expecting life to be the same. It has occurred to me recently, that I don't need a cell phone. I work with my husband now, so we don't even use ours to call each other and now that there is unlimited text messaging on his phone plan, we don't use that feature either. I receive no calls from my family or friends except my daughter and occasionally my son in law, but no one else. So what changed? Did I just tick everyone off? Did I say something else that I should have kept to myself? Or have all my friends gone away? I'm not sure the reason, but I feel very alone. I have my husband and my daughter, but it doesn't seem like there is anyone else in my life. I'm on facebook and I have little conversations there, but it is really just another addiction I have to play games. Anyone have any ideas? May God Bless you all. L

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Doors and Friends

I guess the phrase “when one door closes another one opens” is true. However, sometimes we don’t always get confirmation that this is absolute. Sometimes we make decisions and never know if we made the right one at the right time. So I guess that sometimes we close those doors and can only hope another will open and immediate confirmation is not always there. I did however receive confirmation that I made the correct decision from about 14 months ago. After 23 years, I left the relocation industry on a venture, that I hoped and prayed would be fruitful, and even though the venture was not, my decision was still correct.

The company I worked for was sold and I believe there have been two layoffs and insurance benefits have gone up and some people have had to take pay cuts to keep a job.

During the last 14 months, many doors or opportunities have been opened for me. I temporarily worked for a furniture store, a movie theater and I have been able to write articles for people. Many doors have also closed during those 14 months. I left behind the security of a monthly paycheck, health insurance, good friends, lost a home, gave up my dogs, and lost a sister in laws friendship. This wasn’t all because of the decision I made, but because of things that happened emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally during that time. I drifted to a place of darkness that I never want to visit again, but some days I feel myself drifting towards that well of darkness.

Just like doors, friends come and go in our lives. They arrive to fill a specific need and sometimes, are gone very soon, and sometimes are with us for our entire lives. God fills our lives with those people to take care of needs whether they are emotional, spiritual, mental or physical. Sometimes those particular friendships or relationships end on a good note or end horribly and make us wonder why on earth we ever met.

There are many regrets when it comes to friends. Some if those friends, I lost due to their death, some because of words said or written and some because we just lost touch with each other. My regrets come from not saying good bye, some from not saying, I’m sorry, I did mean that the way it sounded, and some I just didn’t get to say how much I loved them and how much I enjoyed having them as friends.

Just remember that doors and friends open and close, come and go, and we don’t always know when that will happen. Cherish your friendships, say you’re sorry when you need to or even if you don’t think you need too, be there for them when they need you because you may need them some day as well. Never dwell in the past, live in the present and look forward to the future and pray to God for the things you need, the blessing you have received, for loved ones, for those that are sick or in need of healing. It doesn’t matter what people think of you or say about you. It matters as to what is in your heart, and that God lives there and knows your soul. Life is stressful enough without trying to worry about what people might say, think or do. Live life to the fullest; love unconditionally; laugh often, cry it cleanses the soul, and don’t expect anything in return. God will see to all your needs. May you be Blessed to the fullest and may God shine through your soul.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hate - A very strong emotion

We fight the battle of good vs evil everyday. Some days we win and some days we lose. God is always there with us helping us to fight those battles and we walk away with scars that run very deep some times. I'm not talking evil as in villians, monsters, crooks, robbers and such. I'm talking about the battle within ourselves to do good instead of bad, to think good instead of bad, to love everyone and not have bad feelings towards others. Hate is a word I associate with bad or evil. I don't hate anyone, I don't love everyone like I should, like the bible dictates. I have a strong dislike for some people and it usually comes back to how I was treated by them or something that was done. I always try to forgive and forget. The forgiving part is not as hard as it used to be, but sometimes the forgetting part of what happened lingers endlessly. It's kind of like that darkness that sometimes tries to steal me from the world. I fear that one day the darkness will win and swallow me and I will cease to exist. Sometimes people cause you to have negative thoughts or cause emotions like hatred and anger to over take your thoughts, body and soul. I try to go to God when that starts to happen and sometimes, I just cry. Hate is something I have more towards myself than anyone else. I hate that I let myself get caught up in what other people think of me, my life. I hate the guilt I feel towards things that have happened in the past even though I've asked for God forgiveness, the forgetting doesn't stop. I hate that I let these thoughts and feelings sometimes take over my life. I hate that I don't trust people no matter what. I hate that I feel like I've let people down or failed them for one reason or another. I hate that I have let life harden my heart. I hate that I let my past interfere in my present and sometimes dictate the course of my future. I hate that I have no close friends and I hate that I let my anger and fear run them off. God will or has forgiven me, I just can't forgive myself or let the emotions go. May God bless you all. Love, L

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Just A Note -

It seems I've been gone away on a long trip, and I am just now finding my way back. The month of July turned out different than I thought it would be, Thanks God. First, my daughter found my husband and I a rent house. It is quite affordable and as of 8/1/09 it was our place. We are still in the process of unpacking and sorting, sending a lot of stuff back to storage. I've been working for my husband since 7/7/09. I was quite scared that I wouldn't be able to handle the responsibilities and the work, but have found that I am a lot stronger than I thought. If you don't know, my husband and his brother James, do exterior remodeling and vinyl siding installation and repair as well as metal carports, decks, patio covers, and roofs, replacement windows and the list goes on. We just finished a six week job in Eustace which is at Mabank and Gun Barrel. The deck turned out awesome and I will add a picture on my blog. With me working for my husband, we have been able to catch up on a lot of our finances and been able to move. I'm not sure what finally convinced my husband that I could work with him, but I love it and so does he I think. Also, I've been contacted by the editor of an online newspaper that is local about doing some writing. No pay, but lots of exposure. Once we get settled and I get organized, I will begin posting at least once a week to my blogs. Please keep reading and letting our mutual friends know about my blogs. May God Bless you All.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fear and Anger - My constant battle

I made a new discovery this week and I know that only God can help me with my issue. The two emotions fear and angry, plague me on a regular basis. Some of it I'm sure is because of hormonal imbalances in my body, but for the most part, it is just an issue. Fear not so much as anger, but I do find myself in a place I don't like to be. Let me start with my anger issue. It revolves around a person. I've tried to step back out from my hard feelings and re-analyze the issues that I have with this person. I've stopped making remarks because all it does is make me the bad person. If this person comes up in polite conversation between me and other friends, I just nod affirmatively or say "yes." It doesn't however, stop the feeling of angry that rises in me. I've prayed for understanding, wisdom and knowledge on how to help this person, deal with this person and do whatever it is that God needs me to do for this person. I felt God telling me to do something at one point. I did what was asked of me, but it didn't seem to help and I felt I received the brush off from this person. SO I guess all in all I'm just asking for prayer to help me with my anger. I'm not sure that there is a cure for a relationship with this person, I've not given up, but I don't know that things will ever be good, maybe tolerable at best.

Now to my second emotional issue, Fear. I know that fear is caused by Satan, and with fear comes worry. I feel that I have more than hit bottom with this one. It doesn't seem to matter how much support or encouragement I receive, I can't get rid of it. I've bond Satan and prayed in Jesus name for Satan to be banished from my house, my life, and my family. Maybe I'm not doing it right. With this fear comes my ability to strike out and hurt the people I love the most. My husband usually catches most of it, and part of the fear I have is because of his recent accident and the results we have received so far. I don't mean to do that, and once it happens, then I'm even more emotional because of what I have said or done or both. I need God's help. I've asked for it the only way I know how, in prayer, at the bottom of my emotional pit. The pit of fear is very deep. The dirt has not started to fall in on top of me yet, but I feel it is close. I know that Jesus will not let me slip away into nothingness because He is always here and He loves me. Please pray. May God Bless everyone and especially those that read this entry. Help me to overcome. L

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I was on a Mission

I left the house yesterday on a mission, a two part mission. The first part was to try to find a place to rent and although I found a couple of places, it was nothing affordable. The second part of my mission was to find a software program to allow me to publish my ebook and do other desktop publishing jobs. So here are the results of my mission. First was it successful? Yes, Did I accomplish what I set out to do? No, what I came home with was God lead. I came home with two books. One is a daily devotional reading which I needed. The second one was a book called God's Promises for your every need. God provides what we need when we need it. God provides for all that we need and I need to learn to trust that and hold one to the promises. I'm trying very hard to get rid of the dark harbored feelings I have towards some people and accept them for who they are. Will they do the same? God has to deal with them, not me. This is praying that everyone learns to lean more on God and not the world for our needs. I pray for a blessed and happy, healthy day for everyone. Love, L

Monday, June 29, 2009

Announcement - My Website

Hello everyone, I hope God has smiled on each and everyone of you today. Remember all your friends and family in prayer and to thank God for all He has blessed you with in life. I just wanted to take a moment and share with you that I have a website. It took me a while to come up with the title, but here it is: It is not completely set up the way I want yet, but I hope to have that completed by the end of the week. Please go check it out. May God bless each and everyone of you! L

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Which Direction Am I going?

This past week has proved to be different. Sometimes I feel like I'm just kind of floating around like a helium balloon, no real direction, just holding on by a string. I turned in my uniforms on Tuesday, did some writing for a lady, worked on a church directory for Lone Oak Assembly of God, and registered my domain name for my website. I hope to set that up this week. I've looked to see if we can find some kind of house or trailer to rent and have been unsuccessful. I don't want to go get another job outside the house until we figure out where we are going to live. I know God will send us the direction we need to go. I know that we will be able to catch up when Norman finishes the current job and maybe that is where our deposit and first months rent will come from too. I just some times wish God would let us in on His plans. Hope everyone has a blessed week and that you get the answers to your prayers or maybe the answers to your unanswered prayers. Praying that God heals everyone that is ill or sick, and that He grants or gives you all the blessings you are looking for. Thank you God for all you do in our lives and all the blessings you have bestowed upon our family. In Jesus Christ name, Amen. L

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Short Survey Just for Fun... Provided by Amber at Striving for 31

Okay a friend of mine gave this on her blog. It was provided to her by her mother in law... So here are my answers. Feel free to leave your answers in a comment if you would like.

1) What is your salad dressing of choice? - Light House Italian
2) What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? - Anything Mexican for the most part
3) What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it? - Grilled pork chops
4) What are your pizza toppings of choice? - Beef and onion
5) What do you like to put on your toast? - Cheddar Cheese
6) How many televisions are in your house? - 2
7) What color cell phone do you have? - Bright blue
8) Are you right-handed or left-handed? - right
9) Have you ever had anything removed from your body? - Some cysts, a baby, uterus, tubes, gallbladder, most of my intestines, tonsils, adenoids, appendectomy, a ruptured bursa sack, I think that is it, oh wait, several skin tags.
10) What is the last heavy item you lifted? - a five gallon bucket, 3/4 full of water
11) Have you ever been knocked unconscious? - Nope
12) If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? - Definitely not
13) If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I wouldn't change it now
14) Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? - Easy money.
15) How many pairs of flip flops do you own? – six?
16) What are your goals for the year? - To become a better christian, closer to God, stronger in my faith, a better wife, and to get a job working from home writing, get my books published and get another house.
17) Last person you talked to? - My husband who called to tell me he is in love with me
18) Last person you hugged? Norman, my husband
19) Favorite Season? - Spring
20) Favorite Holiday? Christmas, I guess
21) Favorite day of the week? Thursday
22) Favorite Month? - March
23) First place you went this morning? Bathroom
24) What's the last movie you saw? Book of Beasts
25) Do you smile often? - Probably not
26) Do you always answer your phone? - No
27) It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it? - My daughter
28) If you could change your eye color what would it be? - It changes by itself depending on how I feel, but for a permanent color, purple.
29) What flavor drink do you get at Sonic? - Just plain old coke classic with extra ice.
30) Have you ever had a pet fish? - Yes
31) Favorite Christmas song? - It came upon a midnight clear
32) What's on your wish list for your birthday? Already had my birthday. Spent the day being spoiled by my husband.. Of course, he included our anniversary too, since it was two days later.
33) Can you do push ups? - Yes
34) Can you do a chin up? - Maybe one or two
35) Does the future make you more nervous or excited? - Both
36) Do you have any saved texts? Yes
37) Ever been in a car wreck? - Yes
38) Do you have an accent? - Of course not, I'm from Texas
39) What is the last song to make you cry? – High Cotton by Alabama
40) Plans tonight? Yes,just to be with my husband when he gets home.
41) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? – Yes and more than once
42) Name 3 things you bought yesterday. Coke, creamer, juice
43) Have you ever been given roses? - Not lately, but my husband use to bring me yellow ones all the time.
44) Current hate right now? - Worrying about our finances.
45) Met someone who changed your life? - Jesus
46) How did you bring in the New Year? - sleeping
47) What song represents you? "I was raised on country sunshine"
48) Name three people who might complete this? - Not sure
49) What were you doing 12am last night? - looking at the clock
50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? I need coffee

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Prayer is not that hard but sometimes I find it very difficult. There is no wrong way to pray. God created us and we are His children and just like any other parent we should be able to talk to Him about anything. But I guess, just like with any parent some things are difficult to broach in a conversation. I know my path is changing, and I know God is the one steering it in the direction it needs to go. However, I feel that I am flailing in the wind, unsure of my destination or destiny.

2 Chronicles 6:40Now, my God, I pray, let Your eyes be open and let Your ears be attentive to the prayer made in this place.

Matthew 21:22And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

Today, these two verses stood out among many others. I have not been writing in my prayer journal lately due to busy schedules. It is wrong to let my schedule get in the way of my conversations with God. Prayer should be the first thing that comes to my mind in the morning hours. I am trying to redirect my life and this will be my first step back to God. Please read my blog: It will be my step by step progress of the direction I want my life to go. May God Bless you all, L.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Our spiritual Paths

Where is God leading me?
I'm have a very funny feeling these days, like I'm on a course and only God knows where it is going. That's okay, but I wish He would give me a sign of some kind. My little sister recently voiced a need for a burning bush, and I guess that is what I'm looking for as well. A burning bush giving me some kind of direction for my life. A few weeks ago everything seemed like it was right in my life, now I'm not so sure any longer. I once heard it said, "The closer you become to God, the harder the devil works to make your path not walkable. I guess that is true. I know I become more emotional with the simple things when God is working in my life. I know we all get discouraged because we think God is not listening and that He is letting bad things happen. God gives us free will. We all seek the perfect will of God. I recently had something explained to me about the Perfect Will of God and the Permissive Will of God. I will probably blog about that as soon as I have studied it more. In the mean time, thank God for all that He is doing in your life. Ask for blessings for your families, blood and extended and married into. Remember you may be struggling with something in your life, and someone you meet maybe be fighting for something in theirs as well. Also, remember we are never alone, God is always with us. May God Bless you all, L

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tears of????

I strongly dislike those days when I just cry... Those days when it seems that no matter how hard you try, nothing is working out. I have days when I just stop close my eyes and utter some very simple words, "Help me God". I know He is in control and I know we have unanswered prayers and answered prayers and I know that it is always in His time, not ours. I am very thankful for all that God has given to me and my husband and our family. I thank God daily for all those things, but is it wrong to ask and want for more from God? I'm tired of this world and look forward to the day when Christ will come to take us home.

Revelation 21:4And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

The verse above gives me comfort to know that soon there will be no more pain and we will be simplified again. May God Bless each and everyone who reads this blog. With all my heart, L

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Defeating The Devil

All my life I've been taught to stand up for what I believe in and for myself. That has always meant to me, to fight. If someone says something bad about you or someone close to you, take a stand and fight back. Someone wise just pointed out to me that I'm letting the devil win. Every time, I respond back against "my so called enemies", I'm letting the devil rob me of my christian values, and I'm helping the devil to destroy. That is not what I have ever intended to do. It hurts when someone that is suppose to be close and be your friend, says something bad about you, your spouse, your children or some one else in your immediate family. I apologize from the bottom of my heart and hope that anyone that I have offended or hurt by my retaliation remarks will forgive me. I will be praying for God's forgiveness as well.

Mark 11:25 “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

I try to stay in the word of God, but I lose that battle more than I win. In the last month, I have discovered that the only thing that matters is what is in my heart that God sees, not what others think or feel about me. May God Bless you all. With all my heart, L

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

White Coat Syndrome

Do you know what White Coat Syndrome is? We had never heard the term until we visited the doctor a couple of weeks back. My husband's blood pressure gets even higher when we have to go to the doctor. Our doctor said it is called "White Coat Syndrome". It is the stress that can cause your blood pressure to go up, just by the thought of having to visit the doctor. I found it extremely interesting. Dr. Garrett advised us to get a blood pressure monitor(thanks Ann,Mom, and Dad) so that we can monitor my husband's blood pressure. On our next visit to Dr. Garrett, we have to carry the blood pressure machine to make sure it is calibrated correctly. Anyway, just took mine today and I have very low blood pressure, but today, I'm extremely stressed with the visit to the neurologist. Anyway, my blood pressure was 101/64. Mine usually runs about 116/62. So to say it is low today, is an understatment. If I wasn't stressed, not sure what it would have read. I will just be happy when today's visit is over. May God smile upon you today and may He bless you and your family. L

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tired of Scams

People who are setting up scams on the internet, should be prosecuted for taking advantage of people and dashing their hopes to pieces. I filed a claim with the internet crime complaint center yesterday. I checked out google and snopes before signing up with this PTR, there was nothing at the time. Yes it sounded too good to be true, but you always still have that little piece of hope that these are honest people. Wrong!!!! Always go with your gut. I worked for a little over 4 months on this ptr to acquire enough money to request cash out. I even paid extra money to upgrade through paypal. It is all a hoax and a scam and who ever set these up have tied about 18 sites together. Some of them are, Vibrant Vitalities, Prosperous Boom, Fellowequality,,, Fourleafclovermail, comfortableincome, comeongain,,, and the list goes on. They even ask you to set up a Liberty Reserve account so that you can receive payout in a matter of days...... However, what they don't tell besides the fact that they are scammers is that it is digital currency and you have to exchange it for real currency through an exchange company like London gold exchange.. Anyway, just beware. If you have signed up for one of the above companies, stop wasting your time. I should have received my money by 5/21/09 at the latest. It would have been enough money to get us back on our feet and save our home from foreclosure. I'm still waiting and they stopped responding to emails after the 18 days. I can't get my upgrade money back either..... Just a word of warning. The email address for the person who took my money through paypal is I even gave the IP address for this individual. It would be nice to get my money... but I have no hopes of that happening

Monday, June 15, 2009

How Do You Live In The Present Without Worrying About the Future

Does anyone have the answer to the above question? I no longer worry about the past. It doesn't matter and I can't change it now. I've made people mad, ticked them off, and ruined friendships because I speak my mind. Which is not a bad thing to speak your mind, but I guess you have to learn to do so tactfully, and I've been told many times, I lack that skill. But seriously, how do you live in the present and not worry or think about the future and how the decisions you make today are going to affect your future? I've been pondering this a lot lately. I sometimes visit a really dark place when I do, but I'm fighting to stay away from there. I know that I am not alone, and that God is here with me and is protecting me, and guiding me...but I crave His attention. I want as my sister says, "A burning bush" to tell me what I should be doing.... God Please just help me with the decisions that have to be made and what and where I should be.. L

Friday, June 12, 2009

Announcement New Blog Created 6/12/09

Hi there everyone, I created a new blog today. Please go make a visit to the blog. It is Leave a comment on what you think. Also go check out my sister's website and my niece's webpage If you feel strongly about what they are doing, make a donation. It is tax deductible. Later gators! L

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Taking Advantage of People

I guess we all take advantage of people at different times in our lives. It's not right to continually take advantage of someone over and over again. It's not right to do it the first time. Its the same as being taken for granted. People who use other people for personal gain are just wrong! Okay, so maybe I'm on my soapbox today. To ask someone to help you occasionally is okay, but to only come around or use them when it benefits the user is totally wrong... Did I already say that once? Okay well, It really upsets me when I see it happen to someone very close to me, and I've witnessed it several times with this one really good friend. It does know good to say anything to them, and I suppose then they don't mind it, but, it is so wrong!!!!!!!! If you continually use some one, whether it is an acquaintance, a friend, or a family member, you need to re-examine your life and your goals, and your priorities, and I hope God convicts you for what you are doing. You should be ashamed of what you are doing. If you can't suck it up and do what is right and deal with the consequences you have made, then you have an issue. It shouldn't be everyone else's responsibility to bail you out. And another thing, don't talk about someone in a negative tone and then take advantage of them. Don't ignore them either and only call upon them when it is to your benefit... Okay, Okay, Okay, I realize I'm repeating myself.... I guess that is it for now. L

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hello to all my faithful family and friends..... within the next couple of week's I will have a website up and running. It will have blogs about life, dogs, God and other things that keep me entertained and accountable for my actions. I will also have available places for people to buy articles from me regarding different things in life. I also hope to have an ebook on there soon called Scattered Thoughts. It will be available to purchase as a whole or just individual articles. I don't have all the things completely lined out, but I will also be advertising to do desktop publishing of directories for small Churches, small books for churches, etc. If you know anyone that needs help with any type of writing, I will be happy to look and see if it is something I can help with, and if not, I know other people who have staffs of writers that might also be able to help. The website will be simple to remember and I will post the name as soon as I acquire the domain rights. I will keep everyone posted and hope to help those in need. Take care and God Bless you all! L

Monday, June 8, 2009

Being Simplified

Do you ever feel the need to have everything as simple as possible? I do. Not just tasks that need to be done, but my whole life. I know it is hard work, but I want simple. I want a small garden, a few farm animals, and place to grow old with my husband. I don't care about some big fancy house, or the newest automobile that is out. Now, I would still need a computer to write and blog, and I'm not talking about living without electricity or running water, but trying to live off the land as much as possible. Everyone talks about going green, well that is what I want. I want the least bit of civilization that I have to have, running water, electricity (but want solar energy as soon as possible), well water, and central heat and air is not a necessity year round any longer. I've learned that I only need the air on in the summer at the hottest time, and at night after about June or July. Heat, well I do stay cold all the time, but a fireplace would be okay. My husband laughs at me when I talk about getting simplified. However, he knows that I would be okay, messing with the animals, except gathering eggs (that would be his job), but feeding and cleaning is not a big deal. Now, I'd have to learn not to get attached to any babies, on the off chance that a calf or pig or goat might be dinner when it was old enough, but I think I could do that.. Anyway, that is just something that I have been thinking about and trying to plan how to get there. We are still trying to decide where and when we will find a new place to live. So right now it is just plans, and we are staying here with my daughter until we make some decisions. Hope you have a wonderfully blessed day, Remember God hears us, even when we think He doesn't.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sunday June 6, 2009 - Parkerson Family Reunion

Today is the first Parkerson reunion that I will have attended. This is my mother in laws side of the family. I've been to several Farnsworth reunion since I married into the family. We are having this at Good Hope Baptist Church, where Momma Aliene is a member. Lunch is suppose to be at noon. I made a pasta/turkey, fresh tomatoes and onion salad, with Light House Italian dressing, black pepper and Parmesan cheese. It smells really good and the bad thing is that it is only 9:45am CST. I could eat it all right now. I'll probably post some more later today when we get home. Just wanted to say Good Morning. May God Bless you all.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Late Night Post

Well I'm getting ready to stop for the night. My dogs are in bed, and we went out for dinner tonight. Probably shouldn't have, but we needed a date night. I changed the profile picture to my husband and my puppy. We had just gotten her about 3 weeks before this picture was taken. She only weighed 96 pounds then. She is probably closer to 120 now. She is a big old baby. However, she can blocked my way and she loves to play tag. Well I hope everyone had a good day. It turned out better than it started. May God keep you all safe and sound and healthy and happy. Good night.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Strangeness of Life

Strangeness of Life

It is strange how you can get one phone call and it can change your life forever. The ripple effect is truly amazing. You change the way you think, they way you look at things and some times the way you act. The changes that happen can stem from fear, love, excitement or any number of other emotions or feelings.

You never forget those phone calls. You remember those for the rest of your life, no matter how long or how short. You remember the emotions that went through your body, the thoughts that went through your mind and everything in between.

You may walk around in a daze for what seems like days or weeks but are only minutes. It is truly amazing how your body and mind interact and no words need to be said or thought, it just happens. You move in slow motion but aren’t really. You almost have tunnel vision and no matter how fast you try to get to where you need to be, it seems like you drive for hours and you’ve only traveled a few minutes or a few miles.

Everyone has probably been there at some point in your life. Maybe you were waiting for a call to say a baby has been born or that your daughter has called and said “I’m in labor. Meet us at the hospital.” Or it could be a call from a family member saying that the loved one that has been sick or ill has finally made the last journey and is home with our Savior. We all wait for phone calls or messages at some point in our life. Unfortunately it is not always good news or something that you really want to hear.

I’ve recently experienced that heart wrenching moment for a second heart stopping time in my life and it seems that your life is never going to go back to what it was and maybe that is the way it is suppose to be. May be that is your wake up call from God, and He is telling you it is time to stop, listen and follow your faith in Him. Maybe it is God telling you that if things don’t change and you don’t start paying attention to Him, there is nothing He can do.

I’m sure that we will all go through trials and tribulations in our life, and each one either causes us to fold in on ourselves or they make us stronger and teach us to lean on God for His strength and to lean on each other when we need help. It is one of the most helpless feelings you can have though and you just want it to go away.

Sometimes when these moments in life happen, you think you are having a dream and you just want to wake up and know that is what it really was, just a dream or maybe a nightmare, but then reality sinks in and you know that the situation is not going away.

You have to learn to depend on God not only in those times but every day in our lives. We need to turn to him instead of our drug of choice or alcoholic beverage of choice to escape the emotion of the moment. Believe me there have been times recently that I would have rather snorted myself in to another world, or drank myself into unconsciousness, but that isn’t me any longer. I have to remember and so should we all, that we are not super humans. We have to have others to help us along the way and more than anything else in life, we have to have God. We have to learn to trust in what His word tells us and we have to believe by faith not by sight.

Its like jumping off the side of the pool for the first time into your parent’s arms, you have trust that He will catch you no matter what, where, why or when. God is our safety net and even though we will still have to face those times in our lives when everything gets flipped upside down, wrong side out, we have to trust that He will always be there to catch us and not let us drown. You can’t however just sit there and think that God will solve your problems, if you don’t ask for His help, how is He going to know what you need.

Prayer is one of the best things around and you don’t have to be a deacon or a minister or whatever to pray to God. God hears us even when we think He isn’t listening. You can talk to God just like you talk to your best friend. There is no right way or wrong way to pray. God knows when we speak from our hearts and that is how we should pray, from our hearts.

Take the time to look at the life around you, God is every where we look. How an atheist can look around and say there is no God, just blows my mind. Make a phone call to God. You don’t have to say much, just speak from your heart. God will hear you and He will answer you, just remember it is in His time, not ours.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Need Book Publisher

Hi there, If there is anyone who knows a book publisher that is currently seeking new work, please add a comment. I have 3 romance novels and I'm also finished with a work dealing with life's rollercoaster of emotions. It is called Scattered Thoughts. So give us a shout and let us know if you know anyone. I've been writing since I was about 14 and have 3 completed books, 6 in various stages, and a few poems. I love writing! It is my escape from all the depressing news in the world.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Internet Scammers

Please, please, please research anything you decide to do that is offered on the internet. There are tons of high paying PTR or PTC out there advertising, large payouts if you upgrade through liberty reserve and then you never get paid once you complete all their requirements. Not only should you check them out on google, and snopes, but check with the better business bureau as well. It is sad that people can set up these scams, prey on innocent people, and get away with it. If you check them out and can't find anything bad and you start or sign up, keep checking back with google, snopes and the BBB to see if anyone has reported anything. If it sounds too good to be true than you might want to not waste your time, because it is probably a scam. If you have been scammed with something like this, get as much info together as you can, copies of correspondance and such, and file a claim with the BBB and Internet Crime division of the FBI and the attorney general for the state in which they are located. If they are in a foreign country, you may have to find out what you can go to file against them. They should all be removed from the internet, once it is known they are scammers.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Becoming a Freelancer

Okay if writing is not your thing, then this blog is probably not for you, but if you want to be a free lancer in anything and work from home, then heads up. There is a website called and it is free to subscribe to the site. I've gotten three writing jobs all of which are ongoing from that site. Check it out! Also so tips about working from home, you should never sign up with a company that charges you a monthly fee and you need to check them out completely before signing up any way. Do a search on google for the owner's name, go to the Better Business Bureau site and see if they have had any complaints and if and how they were resolved. This goes for any internet business as well. Search the web also in snopes and any other search engine that talks about scams and such. Blogger will be the first to tell you about scams. Oh and by the way, is a scam and a fraud. Although they are very good to stay in touch with you, they never pay off so don't believe what you see from people who have received payment. Check it out before you sign up

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Introduction of Laura's World

Hey just thought I would do a little intro. This is my second only blog ever. I think I might finally have the hang of this. If you want to check out other blogs try htt:\\ That was my first..... I want every one to start looking for my updates. Have a good day! God is awesome!