Monday, December 21, 2009

Emory Texas - Some Info about where I live...

My family and friends will know where Emory, Texas is, but for some of the people who follow my blog that might not know, here is a generalization. I live 26 miles south of Greenville, Texas, about 25 miles north of Canton, Texas (home of first Monday trade days), and East of Rockwall about 40 minutes. I'm unable to translate 40 minutes into miles as once I moved from the city, I didn't really measure things by miles.

The population in this town is probably less than 1500. There is a sign entering the city limits that says population 1021 I think, but I'm not sure how old that sign is as we have lived here going on 7 years and it hasn't been changed. I don't know, maybe no one moves in and no one leaves.. You just are born and die here and so the number never changes...

What stores are here? Well there is a Radio Shack, Alco (similar to walmart but a whole lot smaller), Dollar Store and Family Dollar Store, Potts Feed Store, Hooten's Hardware and an Ivan Smith Furniture. Those are probably the biggest.

Are there any restaurants? Yes, Circle H bbq, Sonic, Subway, Jimenez Mexican, Chubby's Diner, Arbys, Dairy Queen, Y'all Come Back Cafe, and Don's.

Is there any entertainment? There are no movie theaters, no skating rinks, no arcades or bowling alleys, no pool halls, or anything along that line. There is a movie rental place, and if there is anything else you want to do, you have to travel to Canton, Greenville, Sulphur Springs, Tyler, Rockwall or Mesquite.

However, it does offer a quiet, country living, friendly people, and two lakes and hunting and fishing. A place to raise children and have animals of any sorts, of course outside the city limits.

That is just a little about this quiet East Texas town. I hope you will stop in on your way through and have a coke or a glass of tea... Enjoy the quietness. May God Bless you all... Oh and there are several churches if you are traveling through and need a place to worship on Sunday... We attend and are members of Emory Baptist Church... It is just across diagonally from the courthouse.


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