Thursday, January 6, 2011

So Many Thoughts, Not Enough Space or Time

Okay so I could sleep late this morning and I woke up before four am.  I finally got up at five something and pushed the button on the coffee pot.  Why?  Who knows why I woke up so early, but I dreamed a lot last night.  Some of my dream had to do with renewing our vows, but the hymn Tenderly and Softly ( I think that is correct) kept running through my mind.  Of course I am always thinking about how I can increase my income from writing, and I'm not talking about writing content.  I can do that and I'm okay with that, but I have an extremely hard time writing about things I have no interest in or care about.  So I know that just writing content is never going to be enough income.  I love writing stories, books, poems (although I'm not as good at poems) and just little articles or pages dealing with life.  I have writing posted on the website called triond and you make money off of it for people viewing or reading or whatever you want to call it.  I've received a notice today that I made a whole .51 cents on the site this last month.  Okay I know you are laughing, but here's the thing, I've not posted anything new on that site probably in months.  So to make money when I haven't added anything new, means something to me.  I also have articles and stories on and I have two or three dollars accumulated on that site as well, but you can't get paid from that one unless you have 25.00 or more. 

On Monday of this week, I made a list of things that I wanted to work on this week, and I kind of starting working towards my goal of losing 35 pounds.  By the way, I've lost 4 pounds since the 27th of December, and I'm not really trying, just increasing protein, water intake and the amount I eat, and how often I eat.  Anyway, the list I compiled looked like this:

Budget - completed, but needs to be changed a little
Caity's Blanket
Food log
telephone service - completed
vacuum cleaner belts - borrowed my niece's instead
Grant gopher
Vince's stuff - I've tried and I don't think I can accomplish this one.

Things I've done that weren't on that list are as follows:
made dog treats
cleaned the house
did laundry
new cell phones activated

Today is Thursday and the chances that I will get anything else done on the original list is very slim.  I did start a journal entry this morning and I did make a list of items we still need to pay by the end of January, and that one is in God's hands.  There is a recovery meeting tonight and I'm going to try to go, but... we will just leave it at that.  (Ugh I need to take something out of the freezer for dinner)

I know that God never leaves us and we just have to trust in Him completely.  That was my one and only resolution for the year, To Trust In God and Step out in Faith.  So here it is God.  I know you can sort through it and show me where and how, when, and why, and what. 

May you all have a God Filled and Blessed Day!

1 comment:

  1. When you wake up early and you hear a hymn that is the Lord calling you to spend time with him. He knows I am tired at night when I go to bed so he lets me sleep 6 hours everynight, then wakes me up and we read together, pray together, and sometimes I sing to him in my prayer language (which is praise straight from the spirit). So when he wakes you early, it is so he can have your full attention before you start you day and everyone else gets your attention. Its treasured time, use it wisely! Enjoy it! Sneak off by yourself in a quiet place and just sit at his feet......Its great!
