Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To My Daughter

When I asked God 24 years and 14 months ago (you were baking for 9 of those, more like 10) for someone to love me unconditionally, I had no idea that He would bless me with someone like you.  You have taught me to be patient, understanding, and gentle.  You have taught me that no matter what we are always there for each other. 

I love the person you have become.  You are beautiful, intelligent, giving, caring and thoughtful.  You are a daughter, a wife, a granddaughter, a sister and one day soon you too, will be a mother.  I hope for you a daughter just like I received from God.  I love that you walk with God, and that your faith is strong.  I love that you have that joy in your heart that only God can place there. 

Over the years we have played, laughed and probably done some things we shouldn't.  I've enjoyed every minute of every day that we have spent together.  Even though there were times when we were angry, we never left one another.  I know it was probably tough on you growing up with out a dad around all the time, but you had something better.  You had a grandfather that loved you as if you were his.  He was so happy the day I told him and Nanny that I was going to have a baby.  He was all smiles.

I know that I have made mistakes while you were growing up, but we learned together and I want so much for you.  I want you to dream big dreams, laugh as much as possible, love with all your heart and know that above everything else, you were a gift from God. 

Cherish every day as if it were you last.  Never forget to tell people you love them, and never let angry words hurt those you love.  You are and will always be, my baby girl.  Love, Mom.

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