Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Spoken Words

There are some words or phrases that if said from the speakers point of view is not bad, for the speaker's self esteem.  However if you are the receiver of such words it can be devastating to your well being and self esteem.  Think about them.  Have you ever said anything that was hurtful?  Have you ever thought about something you said only to realize it is too late to take it back?  It is said that the tongue is sharper than a two-edge sword, and that is very true.

I'm right.  You're wrong.
Smile.  Don't you know how to do anything but frown?
You are rude, crude and abrupt.  Try to be nice.
Why are you so bitter?
Grow up!
You are so negative!  You need an attitude adjustment.
Can't you do anything right?
That was a stupid mistake!
Did you think before you opened your mouth and inserted your foot?
Why can't you be more like your (sister, brother, or whoever)
What is wrong with you?  Are you just stupid?
Stop crying only a baby cries!

We all say things out of anger or in the heat of the moment or in the middle of what might be a crisis to one person.  Sometimes, we don't realize we have just hurt someone by what we said.  It may have all been an innocent remark.(Well maybe not).  Can you be the type of person that goes back and says, "I'm sorry.  I was angry and I didn't mean what I said, or that wasn't exactly what I meant?  I know some people don't like the word, "I'm sorry."  If that is you, then ask to be forgiven, use words that are not objectionable to you.  Although you are suppose to be sincere and mean it from your heart.  "I apologize" always sounded so cold to me, but you can say, "Please forgive" or "Can you forgive me". 

How do you apologize to God when you have done something wrong?  We are to treat each other like we want to be treated.  We are to love each other as Christ loves us.  Are you living that way? 

I hope this posts makes sense.  It has been weighing heavily on my mind since last week.  Mostly because I overheard someone say, "I'm right.  You're wrong."  That always bothers me.  It has taken me a long time to learn to admit when I'm wrong, but no one is right 100% of the time, and there has only been one perfect person to ever walk this earth.  He sits at the right hand of God.  Do you know Him?  Don't wait until it is too late, the alternative is not going to be pleasant.

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