Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My First Day as a School Teacher

Okay so Tuesday, August 31st, was my first day as a preschool teacher and it was awesome!  I had six little three year olds; one boy and 5 girls.  They are all very precious and even though the day was kind of hectic, we did have fun and learn a few things.  The letter of the week is A a, the number for the month is "1", the color of the month is "red" and the shape of the month is "Circle". 

Nap time was from about 1:30/1:40 until 3:00 or whenever the parents make it by to pick up their little people.  I love them all, already and I can't wait for tomorrow.  They each have their own cubbie. 

With there very own water bottle, nap mat, and their name is on there, too!  They can bring their own blanket and pillow too!

We have part of a board on one wall of our room.  On that board we have a poster with names and birthdays of the children, and all the teachers.  We also have a section labeled our class and it has all our first names written. 

There is also a poster with our numbers up to the number "Ten".  Hopefully by the end of the school year they will be able to count to at least 10, but we are hoping that maybe they can even make it to 20.

In the mornings we have what we call our morning songs.  First we say a prayer to start the day, and then we do all our pledges: Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Flag Pledge, Christian Flag Pledge, and the Pledge to the Holy Bible.  We sing about the days of the week, the month and we do alphabet sounds.  On our board we have the month, with all the numbers of the day for the month, and we have a poster that tells them what today is, yesterday was, and what tomorrow will be.

There is also a poster that talks about the season, and the weather for the day.  We also have our shape, color and number for the month on this board.  We do a bible verse for each letter we learn and we do the verse about the fruit of the Spirit. There is a poster for each characteristic.  Here is the verse:  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.  Galatians 5:22-23a. 

One of the highlights of Tuesday was that we had colored noodles, pink and blue, and they got to cut them up and play with them.  Thanks Miss Melissa!.  That afternoon the kids asked if they could play with the worms again!

Someone told me today, that they think this is my calling.  If it is,God will definitely make sure it all works out and I will pursue my teaching certificate. 
May you all be blessed beyond your beliefs, by the one and true living God.
Love, L

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