Monday, January 25, 2010


I have never been a pro football fan. I never ever watched it on TV unless it was the only TV in the house and that was what was on, and I had no say in the matter. One of the things that I love about my husband is that he is not a “big” sports fan. However, I think I want a definition of what exactly a “big” sports fan is. I mean, don’t get me wrong, there are a few things that are sports events that I like to watch. For example, bull riding, barrel racing and bronc riding are extremely exciting to me, as is Hockey. But when it comes to baseball, basketball, golf or tennis, none of those including football ever held my interest.

I’ve been married for almost 4 years now. I have never followed football and for the most part I could not tell you the quarterbacks name on any football team. However, I’m not really sure how this has happened, but I can now tell you more about football than I really want to know. I mean, Drees is the quarterback for the Saints, Favre for the Vikings, Romo for the Cowboys, Payton Manning for the Colts, and I’m sure I know more, but that is enough. My friends would probably laugh and probably will when they read this post. So what happened to me?
I married a man you channel surfs and watches two or three football games at a time. He has even got me watching basketball. I really find this humorous… I didn’t know a 1st down from any other play, and now I actually get excited to see if they are going to make 1st down or in some cases 4th and inches….

After the Saints played the Vikings yesterday, he asked me if my team won. My team? I don’t have a team, or do I? I’m sure there are other women out there that this has happened to in the past and will be others that it will happen to in the future… but I never thought it would happen to me.

1 comment:

  1. I can honestly assure you that I will never get "corrupted" LOL!!! I do not care enough about all the rules of football to remember them. I do, watch the occassional game only because Michael says "If you sit in here with me, I'll rub your back!" Well Honey, I'll definitely watch the game with you then ROFL!!!!
