Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lemonade Outta Lemons

So I've heard this phrase a 1000 times, and here are my questions: Which lemons do you use? No all kidding aside, Life does throw us lemons from time to time, and we all try to make the best of a bad situation, but sometimes, it is very hard to decide which one lemon we use first. The economy is bad all around, and if it is getting better I want someone to show me where, because that is where I need to go live.

Being a general contractor is not the best job to have in a world when the economy is horrible. Being a general contractor when the weather won't cooperate is horrible. Neither of which we have any control over, and hope and pray from day to day that things will get better.

So how do you decide which lemon to use first? And in my case, I don't really like lemonade and with all the lemons I've gotten lately, I don't want to drink that much lemonade. Any one want a glass?

P.S. Okay I don't really know where I was going with this, but hey, I couldn't just delete it!

May God Bless You, L

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