Okay so I couldn't come up with a title for this blog entry so the above will just have to do. I've had my blogs open several times today and although I have a lot on my mind, the peace inside me is great, but I couldn't decide what to write.
I have been thinking back about all the things that have happened this year and still can't quite get my head around some of it. As I look towards the new year, I know several things I would like to accomplish. A reader suggested I step out in faith and commit myself to God and He will fulfill my hearts desires and care for me. I know this is true... but I have been thinking about that ever since I read it. My hearts desires?
Do I truly know what those are? I'm not sure. I've been doing a lot of research in the bible, talking to my pastor, an evangelist, and the pastor husband of one of my blogging friends. Two have answered an email I sent and I am waiting for the response from the other, but I am pretty positive, that I will receive the same answer from Pastor Josh as I have from the others. What am I going to do with the information? Nothing. It confirms my beliefs as a Baptist. I am a Baptist because the doctrine of the Baptist follows closely to the New Testament Church it talks about in the Trail of Blood. I am secure in what I believe. Everyone is entitled to believe however they choose. If you are a child of God, you believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin under the law, died for our sins and rose 3 days later and now sits on the right hand of the father. I await His return with open arms and a heart full of love and the desire to do what He wants of me.
There are many things I want to do, but most of all I just want to live one day at a time, worship God, teach others and live happily with my husband Norman. I am going to sit and think about my heart's desires and I am going to right them down. My husband and I have been discussing doing something to help churches and missions in the state of Texas to help others reach those that are lost. I know that God will point us in the right direction.
Now for the human side of me, the mortal that I am, I realized this morning that I need to lose at least 30 pounds. I gained 10 pounds when I met my husband and I was 10 pounds away from my goal weight. I have gain another 10 pounds in the 5 years we have been together. So one of my goals for this year and I mean the beginning of this year is to lose all that. I would like to have that done prior to our Vow renewal ceremony on 4/2/11.
I guess that is it for now. May God Bless you all! Thanks for reading and why not subscribe to one of my blogs.... I try to share the human side of me, the dog lover in me, the Christian me, and the writer me. I think you will probably find something you like in one of them.
Good night!
This is my personal blogging spot. I hope to share pieces of my life that might interested others and inspire them to follow their dreams. Never give up on your dreams! To stop dreaming is to stop living!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Today 12-30-10 Thursday
child of God,
Faith. love,
Monday, December 27, 2010
My Thoughts after Christmas!
A Family Christmas
We had a wonderful couple of days of Christmas celebrating. We spent Christmas Eve in Denton with my mom and it was perfect! There was about 21 of us. We had a good time, and even though it was raining and cold, we stayed dry and warm. There was lots of love in the room. (Found out today that there will be a new baby in this family next year)
We spent Christmas day at my mother in laws and a good time was had by all I think. I think the final count was some where around 54 1/3 (there should be a new baby in this family next Christmas, too), but not everyone was there.
There was plenty of food at both places and life was good. We were the first ones to my mother in laws, and the second or third to arrive at my mom's. My niece Misty, was there for the day from the halfway house where she is finishing up her rehab. I am so very proud of her. She is turning her life around and is serious about not messing up. I love her a bunch.
Thoughts of the Future
Norman and I have been praying about what direction God wants us to go and what we need to do. We have talked of moving to Gunter, TX and living and working on the ranch there with my family, sisters and mom to be specific. We are still waiting for confirmation of that, and as I've been praying today and reading different things that have come by way of email and blogs that I follow, I'm not sure that is going to be right for us. Although it would help in lots of ways, just not feeling a 100% about it. I know that all will be revealed when the time comes.
What else does the future hold? No one really knows. We are not promised our next breath, so how can we really know what God has in store. We know only that He will never forsake us and that He is always with us, even when we are places that we shouldn't be. But that is a post for my other blog.
My dreams of dogs and being a published writer, well I don't know if this is the year or not. Have I given up on those dreams, definitely not, but just waiting for the right sign that I need to pursue one or the other or both. My teaching degree? Well I'm still working on that as well.
Is there anything that I know for sure will happen this next year, yes, I will continue to strive to be the best Christian I can be, finish my recovery steps, study, go to school, and do my best as a mother and a wife. Is there anything else I want to happen? Well yes, I would like to find a better place to live, but if it takes a while, I will survive.
May you all have a great week! God Bless!
We had a wonderful couple of days of Christmas celebrating. We spent Christmas Eve in Denton with my mom and it was perfect! There was about 21 of us. We had a good time, and even though it was raining and cold, we stayed dry and warm. There was lots of love in the room. (Found out today that there will be a new baby in this family next year)
We spent Christmas day at my mother in laws and a good time was had by all I think. I think the final count was some where around 54 1/3 (there should be a new baby in this family next Christmas, too), but not everyone was there.
There was plenty of food at both places and life was good. We were the first ones to my mother in laws, and the second or third to arrive at my mom's. My niece Misty, was there for the day from the halfway house where she is finishing up her rehab. I am so very proud of her. She is turning her life around and is serious about not messing up. I love her a bunch.
Thoughts of the Future
Norman and I have been praying about what direction God wants us to go and what we need to do. We have talked of moving to Gunter, TX and living and working on the ranch there with my family, sisters and mom to be specific. We are still waiting for confirmation of that, and as I've been praying today and reading different things that have come by way of email and blogs that I follow, I'm not sure that is going to be right for us. Although it would help in lots of ways, just not feeling a 100% about it. I know that all will be revealed when the time comes.
What else does the future hold? No one really knows. We are not promised our next breath, so how can we really know what God has in store. We know only that He will never forsake us and that He is always with us, even when we are places that we shouldn't be. But that is a post for my other blog.
My dreams of dogs and being a published writer, well I don't know if this is the year or not. Have I given up on those dreams, definitely not, but just waiting for the right sign that I need to pursue one or the other or both. My teaching degree? Well I'm still working on that as well.
Is there anything that I know for sure will happen this next year, yes, I will continue to strive to be the best Christian I can be, finish my recovery steps, study, go to school, and do my best as a mother and a wife. Is there anything else I want to happen? Well yes, I would like to find a better place to live, but if it takes a while, I will survive.
May you all have a great week! God Bless!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Only Four More days!
We are spending Christmas Eve in Denton with my family and I am so excited!!! I'm making cookies today for the kids and some of the grownups and I'm finishing up Christmas presents for my husband's side of the family. I'm trying to make cookies for the kids there too, but don't know if I have enough time with the size of the family on the Farnsworth side, but I am going to do my best.
I haven't been excited about Christmas in about four years. The stress always gets to me because I can't seem to get everything done that I need to do and I'm so tired by the time it is over, I just pass out....
On December 31st this year, it will have been one year since I've had any kind of alcoholic beverage to drink and I think that is something to be proud of... It is not that I am an alcoholic, but there were times when I didn't think I could relax without something alcoholic. However, I made a promise to my husband that when we got married I would quit. It has taken me a while, but I am there.
Anyway, back to Christmas Eve... my niece went through rehab this year and has been transferred to a half way house and I will get to see her on Christmas Eve for the first time in about nine months. She has finally gotten her life straightened out and I'm so very proud of her!!! She can only visit from seven am to seven pm on Christmas Eve, and I want to get there sometime between ten and twelve so that I can spend some time with her. I love her very much!!
Anyway, I know we will be a little sad this year too, because this is the first Christmas without my dad. However we have lots of memories and things from the years that will make us laugh and smile.
Hey Mom do you remember the year we dropped the ham or was it a turkey taking it out of the oven???? We laughed for hours! Anyway, I know we will have a good time, and next year we won't have to travel at all on Christmas Eve. We will all be together. I can't wait! I told my husband this morning that next year we are taking the week of Christmas off!!!!
God Bless you all and Remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
Love, L
I haven't been excited about Christmas in about four years. The stress always gets to me because I can't seem to get everything done that I need to do and I'm so tired by the time it is over, I just pass out....
On December 31st this year, it will have been one year since I've had any kind of alcoholic beverage to drink and I think that is something to be proud of... It is not that I am an alcoholic, but there were times when I didn't think I could relax without something alcoholic. However, I made a promise to my husband that when we got married I would quit. It has taken me a while, but I am there.
Anyway, back to Christmas Eve... my niece went through rehab this year and has been transferred to a half way house and I will get to see her on Christmas Eve for the first time in about nine months. She has finally gotten her life straightened out and I'm so very proud of her!!! She can only visit from seven am to seven pm on Christmas Eve, and I want to get there sometime between ten and twelve so that I can spend some time with her. I love her very much!!
Anyway, I know we will be a little sad this year too, because this is the first Christmas without my dad. However we have lots of memories and things from the years that will make us laugh and smile.
Hey Mom do you remember the year we dropped the ham or was it a turkey taking it out of the oven???? We laughed for hours! Anyway, I know we will have a good time, and next year we won't have to travel at all on Christmas Eve. We will all be together. I can't wait! I told my husband this morning that next year we are taking the week of Christmas off!!!!
God Bless you all and Remember that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
Love, L
Christmas cookies,
Christmas gifts,
Saturday, December 18, 2010
A Driving Need
I am looking forward to the things that are in store for us next year. I'm looking forward to a house in a new town, making new friends, and just living our life together. I'm looking forward to having grandchildren. I'm looking forward to having beagles again. However, with everything I'm looking forward to I have a driving need to complete unfinished things and get rid of it before we move.
What things you might ask? Well I have at least 5 story lines at different levels that I want to finish. I have three books, a short story, and a collection of thoughts that I would like to see get typed and finished and hopefully published. I have several craft things that I would like to get finished and put away and in some cases give away to friends.
I am also taking intro to algebra which I would like to get finished in January and I want to start pre-calculus and get it finished in no more than three months. If I am able to get that accomplished, then I can enroll in school and start getting my teaching degree.
It sounds like a lot, but I do know that I can get this accomplished. I just have to stay focused and rely on God to give me the energy and strength to get this all done. I like having things completed and put away. I like it when we are able to close a chapter, and start a new one and that is what I feel like we are doing. Closing the old chapter. Starting the new chapter. I know it will be difficult for us, but those that are close to us are already talking about coming to visit. We will have room for a guest or two in the new house. Everyone will be welcome that wants to come visit. We will still make the trips for family reunions and Christmas Day with his family. The rest of the year will be in God's hands and so will our lives.
God Bless you all! Love, L
What things you might ask? Well I have at least 5 story lines at different levels that I want to finish. I have three books, a short story, and a collection of thoughts that I would like to see get typed and finished and hopefully published. I have several craft things that I would like to get finished and put away and in some cases give away to friends.
I am also taking intro to algebra which I would like to get finished in January and I want to start pre-calculus and get it finished in no more than three months. If I am able to get that accomplished, then I can enroll in school and start getting my teaching degree.
It sounds like a lot, but I do know that I can get this accomplished. I just have to stay focused and rely on God to give me the energy and strength to get this all done. I like having things completed and put away. I like it when we are able to close a chapter, and start a new one and that is what I feel like we are doing. Closing the old chapter. Starting the new chapter. I know it will be difficult for us, but those that are close to us are already talking about coming to visit. We will have room for a guest or two in the new house. Everyone will be welcome that wants to come visit. We will still make the trips for family reunions and Christmas Day with his family. The rest of the year will be in God's hands and so will our lives.
God Bless you all! Love, L
gifts of love,
Home made gifts,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A Couple of Thoughts I wanted to Share
First Thought
My Mom was down here this last week and I got to visit and have coffee with her. I really miss that! Hopefully in the next year I will be where I can do that on a regular basis. My Mom, Julia or Jude, as she has been known most of her life, stayed with my daughter Caity. That is my daughter's nickname. Her full name is Lauren Brianna Caitlyn Shipley Woods. She will get upset when she reads this because if i call her Caitlyn, she will tell me that is not her name, but it is because that is what I had put on her birth certificate.
Okay so I went off on a tangent, but I'm back. Anyway, we are going to Denton on Christmas Eve to be with my family. We drew names this year between the adults except for my mom. That way, we buy for one person, plus our kids, and then of course my mom. I wasn't sure I like the idea at first, but it works good and thank God because we cannot afford to buy gifts for everyone nor do I have time to make gifts for everyone, although I am trying, and I don't have to feel guilty for not being able to get family gifts.
I'm have been married for almost five years and I'm not sure what the Christmas present program is at my in laws. We have been trying to buy for my Mother in law and Step Father in law, and then we were buying for his siblings, and his kids. That was not possible last year, nor will it be this year. Parents are bought for no matter what because without them, there would be no us. So I am trying to decide what to get our parents. I have a few thought, but have not fully decided. I still have a couple of weeks, right????
Second Thought
My favorite things in life are animals, writing, and teaching. My goal for this coming year is to do all of that and I think it is definitely foreseeable. My sister, Ann or Julia, or I use to call her Sissy, but she made me stop after I started to school, is about to see her dream come true. You can read about it at http://www.rememberwhenranch.com/. She has a place for Norman and I if we want it. I do without a doubt. We will have a house of our own, and work if we want it. I know this is a good step for us. We will have to move to Gunter, Texas, but I will be close to my Mom, and a lot closer to my daughter and son in law who are moving to Keller or that general area. Although my husband has said he will move, I feel like he is holding back. We love each other and I just want us to be happy, not stressed over money or work. He can work on the ranch there or he can continue to do siding if he wants. But it would be a place where we don't have to worry about paying rent, or utilities or buying groceries or having gas money. I have been praying for God to show us the direction we need to go, and I think this is it. Now I need to pray that He will show my husband as well. God Bless you all
My Mom was down here this last week and I got to visit and have coffee with her. I really miss that! Hopefully in the next year I will be where I can do that on a regular basis. My Mom, Julia or Jude, as she has been known most of her life, stayed with my daughter Caity. That is my daughter's nickname. Her full name is Lauren Brianna Caitlyn Shipley Woods. She will get upset when she reads this because if i call her Caitlyn, she will tell me that is not her name, but it is because that is what I had put on her birth certificate.
Okay so I went off on a tangent, but I'm back. Anyway, we are going to Denton on Christmas Eve to be with my family. We drew names this year between the adults except for my mom. That way, we buy for one person, plus our kids, and then of course my mom. I wasn't sure I like the idea at first, but it works good and thank God because we cannot afford to buy gifts for everyone nor do I have time to make gifts for everyone, although I am trying, and I don't have to feel guilty for not being able to get family gifts.
I'm have been married for almost five years and I'm not sure what the Christmas present program is at my in laws. We have been trying to buy for my Mother in law and Step Father in law, and then we were buying for his siblings, and his kids. That was not possible last year, nor will it be this year. Parents are bought for no matter what because without them, there would be no us. So I am trying to decide what to get our parents. I have a few thought, but have not fully decided. I still have a couple of weeks, right????
Second Thought
My favorite things in life are animals, writing, and teaching. My goal for this coming year is to do all of that and I think it is definitely foreseeable. My sister, Ann or Julia, or I use to call her Sissy, but she made me stop after I started to school, is about to see her dream come true. You can read about it at http://www.rememberwhenranch.com/. She has a place for Norman and I if we want it. I do without a doubt. We will have a house of our own, and work if we want it. I know this is a good step for us. We will have to move to Gunter, Texas, but I will be close to my Mom, and a lot closer to my daughter and son in law who are moving to Keller or that general area. Although my husband has said he will move, I feel like he is holding back. We love each other and I just want us to be happy, not stressed over money or work. He can work on the ranch there or he can continue to do siding if he wants. But it would be a place where we don't have to worry about paying rent, or utilities or buying groceries or having gas money. I have been praying for God to show us the direction we need to go, and I think this is it. Now I need to pray that He will show my husband as well. God Bless you all
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Dixie Dog Treats Recipe Book
Hey everyone, Just want to make another post about the recipe book that is for sale to make your dog treats. There is nothing harmful in them and they make great training tools.
You can make mini muffins or you can make biscuit type treats either one. The information is in the download pdf document on how to do both, plus a couple of extras. I've been making mini muffins the last month or two and on Sunday made 68 mini muffins.
I use them at night to put them in their crates. Usually all I need to say is "Biscuits" and they will both go to their crates and wait. The big dog, Sioux, goes to her bed and waits. It's all good!
The cost of the book is $5.95 and you can pay with credit card or your pay pal account or your debit card if it has a MasterCard or Visa logo. I have a few customers whose dogs absolutely love them.
This is a great and easy way to give your dog something special, and you don't have to go pay mega bucks for dog biscuits at the store. Give your dog the present that will keep on giving! Buy the recipe book today!
Click below!
You can make mini muffins or you can make biscuit type treats either one. The information is in the download pdf document on how to do both, plus a couple of extras. I've been making mini muffins the last month or two and on Sunday made 68 mini muffins.
I use them at night to put them in their crates. Usually all I need to say is "Biscuits" and they will both go to their crates and wait. The big dog, Sioux, goes to her bed and waits. It's all good!
The cost of the book is $5.95 and you can pay with credit card or your pay pal account or your debit card if it has a MasterCard or Visa logo. I have a few customers whose dogs absolutely love them.
This is a great and easy way to give your dog something special, and you don't have to go pay mega bucks for dog biscuits at the store. Give your dog the present that will keep on giving! Buy the recipe book today!
Click below!
Christmas gifts,
gifts of love,
pet supplies,
Monday, December 6, 2010
What A Good Weekend!!!
Okay so when I came home from work on Friday I was extremely tired! It seems I constantly run just trying to get things made, sold, written and cleaned just to make a few dollars. I didn't write any on Friday, mostly because I was tired, but also because it is hard to write when I can't concentrate, and my concentration on Friday was definitely gone.
As we prepared to go to bed on Friday night, I looked at my husband and said, "I need you to be totally honest with me." He looked at me and I asked, "Do you want to move or not?" He said, "Yes that is okay, we can move up that direction." Not his exact words, but close. I felt much better as we went to bed.
Saturday as we sat at the computers, he was reading his newspapers, while I answered emails, and caught up the check book, went through bills and then I decided to check out real estate in the general areas surrounding Keller. My greatest fear is that it is too populated and not enough open spaces that I will like it, but I quickly saw that there are plenty of areas around that are out in the open and has some land with some of the houses. I don't want to live so close to someone that I can open my door, spit and hit the neighbor's house. That is not for me, or my husband.
So a realtor contacted me through Face Book and supplied his website, and the list of cities that he covers. I did a search using his website and found a few places of interest. However, I used realtor.com and found lots more in some areas around Keller. We looked in Rhome, Azle, Haslet, Newark, Ponder, Aubrey(half between Keller and Denton), Boyd, and a few others. We found several things that really interested us.
So what is our next step? Well I am continuing to look for a job in that general area. I'm going to widen my search, and my interests on Monster.com, but I know all will be okay. I have been praying for God to give us direction, and I know He is talking to my heart. Am I afraid? Yes, but not of moving or starting over. My greatest fear is that God will call me to do something, and my husband is not going to be ready. However, even in that, I know that God will prepare us both for whatever He has in store for us.
Church was awesome yesterday. My husband is in the Christmas program and he had choir practice yesterday afternoon. While he was gone, the dogs and I listened to the sound track of Elf, and I made 68 dog treats, Honey and Oats. The dogs were very ready for them last night.
Have a God filled and blessed day!
Love, L
As we prepared to go to bed on Friday night, I looked at my husband and said, "I need you to be totally honest with me." He looked at me and I asked, "Do you want to move or not?" He said, "Yes that is okay, we can move up that direction." Not his exact words, but close. I felt much better as we went to bed.
Saturday as we sat at the computers, he was reading his newspapers, while I answered emails, and caught up the check book, went through bills and then I decided to check out real estate in the general areas surrounding Keller. My greatest fear is that it is too populated and not enough open spaces that I will like it, but I quickly saw that there are plenty of areas around that are out in the open and has some land with some of the houses. I don't want to live so close to someone that I can open my door, spit and hit the neighbor's house. That is not for me, or my husband.
So a realtor contacted me through Face Book and supplied his website, and the list of cities that he covers. I did a search using his website and found a few places of interest. However, I used realtor.com and found lots more in some areas around Keller. We looked in Rhome, Azle, Haslet, Newark, Ponder, Aubrey(half between Keller and Denton), Boyd, and a few others. We found several things that really interested us.
So what is our next step? Well I am continuing to look for a job in that general area. I'm going to widen my search, and my interests on Monster.com, but I know all will be okay. I have been praying for God to give us direction, and I know He is talking to my heart. Am I afraid? Yes, but not of moving or starting over. My greatest fear is that God will call me to do something, and my husband is not going to be ready. However, even in that, I know that God will prepare us both for whatever He has in store for us.
Church was awesome yesterday. My husband is in the Christmas program and he had choir practice yesterday afternoon. While he was gone, the dogs and I listened to the sound track of Elf, and I made 68 dog treats, Honey and Oats. The dogs were very ready for them last night.
Have a God filled and blessed day!
Love, L
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Home made Hot Pads/Pot Holders and Scarves!!!
Hey everyone,
I am currently making home made hot pads and pot holders as gifts. You get two round hot pads and one square pot holder for $7.00 + shipping which should be 4.95 for priority shipping. I'm posting pictures. I am also making scarves but have not finished the first one but will post a picture as soon as possible. Scarves are going to be 7.50 and are 63" approx long and about 4 to 6 inches wide.
If you want hot pads/pot holders email me at laurasfarnsworth@msn.com and you will be able to pay by MasterCard/visa or with your pay pal account if you have one. I will invoice you through pay pal once I receive your email and will email you the day before they ship.
Thanks for all your support by reading my blogs and visiting my sites. May God Bless You all during this Christmas season! Here are some pictures.
They are all tied with white but the other color can be most anything. Thanks!
I am currently making home made hot pads and pot holders as gifts. You get two round hot pads and one square pot holder for $7.00 + shipping which should be 4.95 for priority shipping. I'm posting pictures. I am also making scarves but have not finished the first one but will post a picture as soon as possible. Scarves are going to be 7.50 and are 63" approx long and about 4 to 6 inches wide.
If you want hot pads/pot holders email me at laurasfarnsworth@msn.com and you will be able to pay by MasterCard/visa or with your pay pal account if you have one. I will invoice you through pay pal once I receive your email and will email you the day before they ship.
Thanks for all your support by reading my blogs and visiting my sites. May God Bless You all during this Christmas season! Here are some pictures.
They are all tied with white but the other color can be most anything. Thanks!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Future
We cannot predict the future, and the choices we make in life shape our destiny. God however is in control of our lives, if you are a child of God that is.... I have been praying for Him to show us which direction to take and what we need to do. I don't know if this is a sign from God or not, but here is what has happened. My daughter and son in law will be moving after the first of the year to the general area of Keller, Texas. That is a good 2.5 to 3 hours away. I don't want to be that far from my daughter, so I have started looking for jobs in that area.
Yesterday, I came across a website with employment opportunities and they are headquartered in Southlake. That is not very far from Keller and a heck of a lot closer to Denton than I currently am, and that is where my family is at this time. With the prospect of grand babies in the next year or so, I've decided to apply for the job. I told my husband last night, and he said okay. We have been talking lately about both of us finding jobs that are regular and where they are not contingent on good weather and sunshine. He has stated once of twice about going back to work in the grocery business. I told him to do whatever makes him happy and not to worry about anything else. It is time we thought of ourselves and what will make us happy in the long run.
We would be leaving behind other family, friends from church and lots of memories, but we would be gaining a new outlook and chance at a life together and not having to worry all the time about money or asking for help from family, who is always there when I need them. (Thanks Raven and Caity) Love you both!
However time will tell with everything, and if that is not the direction I'm sure God will give us a sign.
Hope you all have a God Filled, and Blessed Day! Please pray for my job opportunity. It is something I could be happy with for a long time, and it will give me a chance to complete my schooling as well. Love, L.
Yesterday, I came across a website with employment opportunities and they are headquartered in Southlake. That is not very far from Keller and a heck of a lot closer to Denton than I currently am, and that is where my family is at this time. With the prospect of grand babies in the next year or so, I've decided to apply for the job. I told my husband last night, and he said okay. We have been talking lately about both of us finding jobs that are regular and where they are not contingent on good weather and sunshine. He has stated once of twice about going back to work in the grocery business. I told him to do whatever makes him happy and not to worry about anything else. It is time we thought of ourselves and what will make us happy in the long run.
We would be leaving behind other family, friends from church and lots of memories, but we would be gaining a new outlook and chance at a life together and not having to worry all the time about money or asking for help from family, who is always there when I need them. (Thanks Raven and Caity) Love you both!
However time will tell with everything, and if that is not the direction I'm sure God will give us a sign.
Hope you all have a God Filled, and Blessed Day! Please pray for my job opportunity. It is something I could be happy with for a long time, and it will give me a chance to complete my schooling as well. Love, L.
Answered prayers,
gifts of love,
Friday, November 26, 2010
Feels Like Winter!
Okay so on Wednesday I was wearing shorts and flip flops and walking around outside. Drove to the store with the windows down and the sun was heavenly. Yesterday I carried a coat to my Mom's and wore it home. Heat is on, and all the ceiling fans are off. Two of the three dogs are wearing their sweaters. The big dog needs a pony blanket, because they don't make dog sweaters for dogs that weigh 120pounds and stand six foot tall on their hind legs.
Anyway, I have mini muffins in the oven for the dogs all though they smell so good, i might eat one. ( It's oats and honey flavored) Okay get a grip! It is people food, not dog food. Okay, so we drew names yesterday for Christmas at my mom's. We did couples and i got my niece and her boyfriend. I'm not sure what we are going to do for them yet, but I have a couple of thoughts.
Every time I think about Christmas, or anything like that, I have heart palpitations... No it's just that I want to do so much and money is tight, and I don't have any place to put a Christmas tree where we live. I was really hoping that God would provide us with a new place to live big enough I could put up a tree and decorate, but maybe next year.
Thanksgiving was great yesterday! Ate too much! Just normal for a holiday. Looking forward to Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with Norman's family. Of course if someone wants to send me on a cruise to the Virgin Islands I won't complain. Soaking up sun on the beach with temperatures in the 70's and 80's sounds so good today! But I would miss everyone.
Don't forget your dogs for Christmas this year! Go to http://dixiedogtreatsntraining.com The What's new Page has a link to purchase my dog treat recipe book. Your dogs will love you forever!.. It's not very expensive!!! Please share the link and page with your friends.
May you all be blessed abundantly in whatever you seek! Have a God Filled Day! Love, L
Anyway, I have mini muffins in the oven for the dogs all though they smell so good, i might eat one. ( It's oats and honey flavored) Okay get a grip! It is people food, not dog food. Okay, so we drew names yesterday for Christmas at my mom's. We did couples and i got my niece and her boyfriend. I'm not sure what we are going to do for them yet, but I have a couple of thoughts.
Every time I think about Christmas, or anything like that, I have heart palpitations... No it's just that I want to do so much and money is tight, and I don't have any place to put a Christmas tree where we live. I was really hoping that God would provide us with a new place to live big enough I could put up a tree and decorate, but maybe next year.
Thanksgiving was great yesterday! Ate too much! Just normal for a holiday. Looking forward to Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with Norman's family. Of course if someone wants to send me on a cruise to the Virgin Islands I won't complain. Soaking up sun on the beach with temperatures in the 70's and 80's sounds so good today! But I would miss everyone.
Don't forget your dogs for Christmas this year! Go to http://dixiedogtreatsntraining.com The What's new Page has a link to purchase my dog treat recipe book. Your dogs will love you forever!.. It's not very expensive!!! Please share the link and page with your friends.
May you all be blessed abundantly in whatever you seek! Have a God Filled Day! Love, L
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thanksgiving Eve (I know)
Okay, I haven't felt this way about the holidays in years I think.....
I worked over at the church today and put in 3.5 hours. The office is closed on Friday, and my husband went to do a small repair job, which if he doesn't finish today, he will on Friday. I just spent about twenty or twenty five minutes on the phone with one of my best friends, Jean. She gave me a tip for a job.... I think I will email the lady and see what is going on. It would be back in relocation, so I'm not sure. It would depend on the job. Anyway, I'm trying to decide whether to go ahead and boil potatoes and get everything ready for the potato salad tonight so that all i need to do is put it together in the morning or to wait. Maybe I'll get my husband to make his cake tonight and then I can do the potato salad in the morning. I want to get to my mom's by lunch time at the latest.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. To Family and Friends that read this, I'm wishing you all the best day possible! May God Bless each and everyone of you abundantly in all that you seek. Seek His face first in everything you do. He is always there. Love you all, L. Have A God Filled Day!
I worked over at the church today and put in 3.5 hours. The office is closed on Friday, and my husband went to do a small repair job, which if he doesn't finish today, he will on Friday. I just spent about twenty or twenty five minutes on the phone with one of my best friends, Jean. She gave me a tip for a job.... I think I will email the lady and see what is going on. It would be back in relocation, so I'm not sure. It would depend on the job. Anyway, I'm trying to decide whether to go ahead and boil potatoes and get everything ready for the potato salad tonight so that all i need to do is put it together in the morning or to wait. Maybe I'll get my husband to make his cake tonight and then I can do the potato salad in the morning. I want to get to my mom's by lunch time at the latest.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. To Family and Friends that read this, I'm wishing you all the best day possible! May God Bless each and everyone of you abundantly in all that you seek. Seek His face first in everything you do. He is always there. Love you all, L. Have A God Filled Day!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Timeless Tuesday
Today has been one of the longest days I have experienced in a while. I miss the kids at school and this afternoon I walked over to see who was there. Only three there Emily, Jara and Laily. Laily's mom Tracy, and Ms. Melissa. I wish I hadn't resigned, but it was for the better. The school doesn't have to worry about paying 4 teachers when there really wasn't enough three year old students for two classes.
Changing the subject, Remember the song by Cyndi Lauper called Just another manic Monday!!!! That was yesterday. I know that this time of year is very slow for my husband's work, but I don't quite remember it being this slow last year. We are better off bill wise, because we have paid my car off, but when you look at everything in the long run, I still need to find work. I don't want to move... but it may come to that. We both need jobs that are steady at least for awhile.
Anyway, it is in God's hands right now. I've been job surfing all day practically, so much so I have a stress headache. On a different note, we are going to spend Thanksgiving with my family this year.... I can't wait to play games and laugh and have a good time. Almost everyone will be there except for my niece Misty, but she is being transferred to the half house from rehab. I am so proud of her! And my nephew John. They are finally turning their lives around.
I am thinking about maybe offering to babysit or watch a couple of kids after school to see if i get any takers. It wouldn't be much income but it would be some and with cleaning at the church it will help until I can find something full time. I'm not even sure what kind of job I want. I just want to be able to go to school and get my degree. Maybe I can find something at a childcare facility or something like that to help. Anyway, I guess that is where we are right now. If we move, I would definitely want to go the direction that my daughter and son in law are going. I'm not sure how that will effect my husband's work. We have to go where there is work. I am tired of worrying and not knowing what is going to happen. Yes i know about giving it to God, but let's face it, that is a whole lot easier said than done. I pray and talk to God all the time. He answers my prayers and I know i just have to have faith and trust in the Lord, and i do try to do that everyday, but Monday was my day for a nervous breakdown. And I had it.
My daughter is a great prayer warrior and we prayed together and all is turning out okay, not great but okay and it will get better. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and that you all are blessed greatly by God in all that you seek. Have a God Filled Day!
Changing the subject, Remember the song by Cyndi Lauper called Just another manic Monday!!!! That was yesterday. I know that this time of year is very slow for my husband's work, but I don't quite remember it being this slow last year. We are better off bill wise, because we have paid my car off, but when you look at everything in the long run, I still need to find work. I don't want to move... but it may come to that. We both need jobs that are steady at least for awhile.
Anyway, it is in God's hands right now. I've been job surfing all day practically, so much so I have a stress headache. On a different note, we are going to spend Thanksgiving with my family this year.... I can't wait to play games and laugh and have a good time. Almost everyone will be there except for my niece Misty, but she is being transferred to the half house from rehab. I am so proud of her! And my nephew John. They are finally turning their lives around.
I am thinking about maybe offering to babysit or watch a couple of kids after school to see if i get any takers. It wouldn't be much income but it would be some and with cleaning at the church it will help until I can find something full time. I'm not even sure what kind of job I want. I just want to be able to go to school and get my degree. Maybe I can find something at a childcare facility or something like that to help. Anyway, I guess that is where we are right now. If we move, I would definitely want to go the direction that my daughter and son in law are going. I'm not sure how that will effect my husband's work. We have to go where there is work. I am tired of worrying and not knowing what is going to happen. Yes i know about giving it to God, but let's face it, that is a whole lot easier said than done. I pray and talk to God all the time. He answers my prayers and I know i just have to have faith and trust in the Lord, and i do try to do that everyday, but Monday was my day for a nervous breakdown. And I had it.
My daughter is a great prayer warrior and we prayed together and all is turning out okay, not great but okay and it will get better. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and that you all are blessed greatly by God in all that you seek. Have a God Filled Day!
Answered prayers,
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Priorities In Life
Okay after a long talk with God this morning, I've realized that I need to get my priorities straight. Playing games on Face book, playing solitaire, or doing things that are not productive should not be on that list. So after a lot of thinking and realizing that money for the next two weeks is going to be very, very tight, I've decided to re-organize things and get a plan together and in place. Of course, I need God to be at the top of that list, and He is.
So here are the things I'm trying to accomplish with God at the helm over the next six to seven months.
1. A closer walk with Jesus and He being first in my life.
2. An income from my freelance writing and my website to sustain us when Norman doesn't have any work.
3. To start school. I had some very unrealistic goals this last week concerning this, so if i don't get enrolled to start by January one, then I'm not going to freak out.
4. A place to live where, the electricity bill and utilities are not more than the rent. A place to live where we are not overrun by critters so to speak. A place to live where the floors don't give when you walk. A place to live that I can invite my family to spend the night. A place to live where if I decide to keep kids or provide childcare, I have room.
5. To plan and pay for our vow renewal ceremony, just the way we want it.
These are currently my priorities. I have other priorities but these take precedence currently. Number one will always be a priority no matter what else I have completed or accomplished. God, husband, work, family, and friends. Those are the way it is for now.
May you truly have a blessed and God Filled Day. love, L
So here are the things I'm trying to accomplish with God at the helm over the next six to seven months.
1. A closer walk with Jesus and He being first in my life.
2. An income from my freelance writing and my website to sustain us when Norman doesn't have any work.
3. To start school. I had some very unrealistic goals this last week concerning this, so if i don't get enrolled to start by January one, then I'm not going to freak out.
4. A place to live where, the electricity bill and utilities are not more than the rent. A place to live where we are not overrun by critters so to speak. A place to live where the floors don't give when you walk. A place to live that I can invite my family to spend the night. A place to live where if I decide to keep kids or provide childcare, I have room.
5. To plan and pay for our vow renewal ceremony, just the way we want it.
These are currently my priorities. I have other priorities but these take precedence currently. Number one will always be a priority no matter what else I have completed or accomplished. God, husband, work, family, and friends. Those are the way it is for now.
May you truly have a blessed and God Filled Day. love, L
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday monday!!!
Well Monday has arrived and I find myself at home, taking antibiotics, cough syrup, nasal gel and trying to keep Dooley from stealing my cough drops. I have a respiratory infection and probably for awhile, but I visited the doctor on Friday and he loaded me up.
I have missed work since Friday, although I have been writing my income level from that is not enough yet to sustain us on days I miss from work, or to replace my lost income from the school. I've started inquiring about going back to school to get my teaching certification and my degree in education. I have thought about being a teacher quite a lot lately because I enjoyed it so much while I was at the Day school at the church. Before then though, when i was in my twenties i considered it then. I love history, science and math, and reading and writing of course. I've been looking at online schools all morning and I will need to do this online since we live so far away from a major metropolitan area.
I finally finished my dog treat recipe book and hope to get it set up on line on my website for sell. I'm praying for it to be a hit and make us some money. That is one of my goals for the day, to get it up on the website and ready for purchase.
Other than that I'm thinking a lot about the fact that my daughter and son maybe moving before Christmas. They aren't moving out of state, but they won't be five minutes away. If and when they move, most of my family will be driving distance of at least two hours except my baby sister and her kids. What exactly does that mean? Probably that I will want to move closer to my daughter. I have already asked my husband how he feels about moving and I was answered with a question. That is okay. I know God will lead us to where we need to be and if it means closer to my daughter or my mom, or staying right here, that is what we will do, at least until my grand babies start arriving.
I guess that is enough rambling for the day! I have things I need to work on, and information I need to gather. May you all be abundantly blessed by God in whatever it is you are seeking from Him. Love, L
I have missed work since Friday, although I have been writing my income level from that is not enough yet to sustain us on days I miss from work, or to replace my lost income from the school. I've started inquiring about going back to school to get my teaching certification and my degree in education. I have thought about being a teacher quite a lot lately because I enjoyed it so much while I was at the Day school at the church. Before then though, when i was in my twenties i considered it then. I love history, science and math, and reading and writing of course. I've been looking at online schools all morning and I will need to do this online since we live so far away from a major metropolitan area.
I finally finished my dog treat recipe book and hope to get it set up on line on my website for sell. I'm praying for it to be a hit and make us some money. That is one of my goals for the day, to get it up on the website and ready for purchase.
Other than that I'm thinking a lot about the fact that my daughter and son maybe moving before Christmas. They aren't moving out of state, but they won't be five minutes away. If and when they move, most of my family will be driving distance of at least two hours except my baby sister and her kids. What exactly does that mean? Probably that I will want to move closer to my daughter. I have already asked my husband how he feels about moving and I was answered with a question. That is okay. I know God will lead us to where we need to be and if it means closer to my daughter or my mom, or staying right here, that is what we will do, at least until my grand babies start arriving.
I guess that is enough rambling for the day! I have things I need to work on, and information I need to gather. May you all be abundantly blessed by God in whatever it is you are seeking from Him. Love, L
back to school,
freelance work,
Working from home
Monday, November 1, 2010
My laptop is repaired!!!!!!!
Okay I know it is lame but we have been sharing a computer for probably almost a month, which is not a big deal when we are both working. But if he doesn't have any work then he is here at home when I get home from work and alas we both can't get on the computer at the same time. So he took the computers to see if they could be repaired. Thanks Honey! I love you with all my heart! (My laptop was fixable)
Anyway, his desktop computer is dead. He's genealogy database was on it so now it is time to rebuild the data base and this time back it up to a disk. I'm writing again since I'm not working at the school any longer and so far so good. I should be able to make at least 125 a week, once I get into the swing of things. I made about 32 in four hours last week. Not bad, but definitely not going to pay the bills.
Anyway, God is taking care of things and we will be fine. We drove by a house, but it just didn't feel completely right. Not ruling it out, but not going to go jump on it.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day! May God Bless Your Socks off! as my friend says.
Love, L.
Anyway, his desktop computer is dead. He's genealogy database was on it so now it is time to rebuild the data base and this time back it up to a disk. I'm writing again since I'm not working at the school any longer and so far so good. I should be able to make at least 125 a week, once I get into the swing of things. I made about 32 in four hours last week. Not bad, but definitely not going to pay the bills.
Anyway, God is taking care of things and we will be fine. We drove by a house, but it just didn't feel completely right. Not ruling it out, but not going to go jump on it.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day! May God Bless Your Socks off! as my friend says.
Love, L.
gifts of love,
Jesus Christ,
Monday, October 11, 2010
Vow Renewal Ceremony - Already a Change in Plans
Okay since I set the first date, I have found out that my son-in-law will not be home that weekend, so we are changing the date. The new date is April 2, 2011. I've reserved the church, but so far not the fellowship hall, because in all honesty, I would like to be able to dance this time around. My son in law, Adrian, has promised to dance with me, and I enjoy dancing. I don't see it as sinful, although I'm sure there are quite a few Christians who would disagree. Now I'm not talking about dirty dancing (Thanks Patrick Swayze), I'm talking about a little two step, maybe a waltz and some line dancing. Nothing dramatic, no hip hop mess, or rap or heavy metal music. I like the older country and western songs and a lot of the new country and western music. Now if renting the community center is not reasonable, we will just stay in the fellowship hall, listen to music and have cake and punch...
So what is the next step? Well I know it is a ways off, but there are the holidays coming up, and I want to make sure I get as much taken care of before then so there will be a lot less stress. I'm looking at renting the Rose Community Center for the after party or reception or whatever you want to call it. There will be punch, cake, coffee, tea, sodas, and water and maybe some finger foods. I'm still working on that part. So I'm still looking for suggestions on vows or should I just stick with the traditional ones? I guess this is it for now, will keep everyone updated, and for all my friends and family, everyone is invited. I'm going to be emailing invitations, so if I don't have you as a friend on Facebook, or in my email contacts, send me a msg, leave me a comment, or text me with your info...
Cell phone is 903-802-1724 for texting, laurasfarnsworth@msn.com for emails, and just look for Laura.Shipley.Farnsworth on Facebook!!!!
Have a God Filled Day, Be Blessed. Love, L
So what is the next step? Well I know it is a ways off, but there are the holidays coming up, and I want to make sure I get as much taken care of before then so there will be a lot less stress. I'm looking at renting the Rose Community Center for the after party or reception or whatever you want to call it. There will be punch, cake, coffee, tea, sodas, and water and maybe some finger foods. I'm still working on that part. So I'm still looking for suggestions on vows or should I just stick with the traditional ones? I guess this is it for now, will keep everyone updated, and for all my friends and family, everyone is invited. I'm going to be emailing invitations, so if I don't have you as a friend on Facebook, or in my email contacts, send me a msg, leave me a comment, or text me with your info...
Cell phone is 903-802-1724 for texting, laurasfarnsworth@msn.com for emails, and just look for Laura.Shipley.Farnsworth on Facebook!!!!
Have a God Filled Day, Be Blessed. Love, L
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Renewing Our Vows
We have only been married 4 years, but our 5th wedding anniversary is March 31st, 2011. Our lives have changed a lot during the last few years and we are going to renew our vows. We have reserved the church for as close to our anniversary as possible, so the date is currently set for March 26th, 2011. Our first ceremony was a western motif. I didn't wear a wedding dress because I couldn't see spending an enormous amount of money for a dress I was going to wear once. I thought about wearing one this time, and I even tried my daughters on today, but think, I'm just going to buy a nice formal dress or outfit and have my husband wear a very nice suit. I'm not going do a lot of decorating in the church but the other thing is we had the reception at the church and so there was no dancing when we got married. I'm kind of thinking that I want some music and dancing this time.
However, I'm not sure how or what else I want the ceremony to be. I've been reading a lot of information from the Internet about writing our vows, having the same witnesses to stand up with us, etc... I don't know that I need that much of a formal ceremony. I want everyone to be invited from the church, that wants to attend. There won't be any liquor because neither of us drink and we are Christians, and I don't think Christians should drink, even if it is only a glass of wine here or there.
I guess what I'm getting at is does anyone have any suggestions. I want it to be a family and friends affair, with music, fun, a cake, punch, coffee, soft drinks and tea and maybe some finger foods. As for as the dancing part, we will have to rent either the Rose Community Center (not sure that is the right name) or a building on the fair grounds, because there is nothing bigger in town that would allow for dancing, and I don't want to have to drive anywhere else.
If anyone has renewed their wedding vows, I'm looking for some ideas. All help is appreciated. Hope everyone has a God Filled day, and a blessed week. Love, L.
However, I'm not sure how or what else I want the ceremony to be. I've been reading a lot of information from the Internet about writing our vows, having the same witnesses to stand up with us, etc... I don't know that I need that much of a formal ceremony. I want everyone to be invited from the church, that wants to attend. There won't be any liquor because neither of us drink and we are Christians, and I don't think Christians should drink, even if it is only a glass of wine here or there.
I guess what I'm getting at is does anyone have any suggestions. I want it to be a family and friends affair, with music, fun, a cake, punch, coffee, soft drinks and tea and maybe some finger foods. As for as the dancing part, we will have to rent either the Rose Community Center (not sure that is the right name) or a building on the fair grounds, because there is nothing bigger in town that would allow for dancing, and I don't want to have to drive anywhere else.
If anyone has renewed their wedding vows, I'm looking for some ideas. All help is appreciated. Hope everyone has a God Filled day, and a blessed week. Love, L.
Jesus Christ,
renewing your vows,
wedding vows
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sometimes I look at my life and I'm amazed and what it turned out like.... I have a wonderful husband, a super daughter, wonderful step children, and a family both by blood and by marriage that I love. As we are growing up, we all have dreams of getting married, having a family, a house, and much, much more but as young girls and boys, you don't really understand what all that encompasses. You don't think about the in laws that you get when you get married, or the additional sisters and brothers or if you marry someone that was or has been married before, you get step-children, and in some cases, step-grandchildren.
Although my relationship with my step children is not anything like I had hoped, I am hoping that God will help us to heal the hurts and have a better relationship this year and the years to come. My husband and I would both like to be a part of their lives. I've been praying for healing in those relationships and maybe, hoping it will happen soon only God knows.
Sometimes, it is very hard stepping in to a family where children are grown and have lives of their own. For me, it was my first marriage and I guess I really expected more, and it didn't quite turn out that way, probably my fault but I am willing to fix the issues. Some times our imaginations take over and then when things don't happen quite like we think, we get a little disappointed and I think that applies to both my husband and myself.
I know that God will help us heal any hurts that we may have caused with family. I'm hoping that family will allow us to make those amends and have a relationship in the future. God has done wonderful things in our lives over the last year and half. I'm looking forward to what He has in store for us in the future, but right now I'm happy living one day at a time, doing His will, in His service, where ever that maybe doing whatever He wants us to do. Have a God Filled Day! May you be blessed Abundantly in all things you seek, when you seek His face, His guidance, His will and His wisdom. Love, L.
Although my relationship with my step children is not anything like I had hoped, I am hoping that God will help us to heal the hurts and have a better relationship this year and the years to come. My husband and I would both like to be a part of their lives. I've been praying for healing in those relationships and maybe, hoping it will happen soon only God knows.
Sometimes, it is very hard stepping in to a family where children are grown and have lives of their own. For me, it was my first marriage and I guess I really expected more, and it didn't quite turn out that way, probably my fault but I am willing to fix the issues. Some times our imaginations take over and then when things don't happen quite like we think, we get a little disappointed and I think that applies to both my husband and myself.
I know that God will help us heal any hurts that we may have caused with family. I'm hoping that family will allow us to make those amends and have a relationship in the future. God has done wonderful things in our lives over the last year and half. I'm looking forward to what He has in store for us in the future, but right now I'm happy living one day at a time, doing His will, in His service, where ever that maybe doing whatever He wants us to do. Have a God Filled Day! May you be blessed Abundantly in all things you seek, when you seek His face, His guidance, His will and His wisdom. Love, L.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My First Day as a School Teacher
Okay so Tuesday, August 31st, was my first day as a preschool teacher and it was awesome! I had six little three year olds; one boy and 5 girls. They are all very precious and even though the day was kind of hectic, we did have fun and learn a few things. The letter of the week is A a, the number for the month is "1", the color of the month is "red" and the shape of the month is "Circle".
Nap time was from about 1:30/1:40 until 3:00 or whenever the parents make it by to pick up their little people. I love them all, already and I can't wait for tomorrow. They each have their own cubbie.
Nap time was from about 1:30/1:40 until 3:00 or whenever the parents make it by to pick up their little people. I love them all, already and I can't wait for tomorrow. They each have their own cubbie.
With there very own water bottle, nap mat, and their name is on there, too! They can bring their own blanket and pillow too!
We have part of a board on one wall of our room. On that board we have a poster with names and birthdays of the children, and all the teachers. We also have a section labeled our class and it has all our first names written.
There is also a poster with our numbers up to the number "Ten". Hopefully by the end of the school year they will be able to count to at least 10, but we are hoping that maybe they can even make it to 20.
In the mornings we have what we call our morning songs. First we say a prayer to start the day, and then we do all our pledges: Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Flag Pledge, Christian Flag Pledge, and the Pledge to the Holy Bible. We sing about the days of the week, the month and we do alphabet sounds. On our board we have the month, with all the numbers of the day for the month, and we have a poster that tells them what today is, yesterday was, and what tomorrow will be.
There is also a poster that talks about the season, and the weather for the day. We also have our shape, color and number for the month on this board. We do a bible verse for each letter we learn and we do the verse about the fruit of the Spirit. There is a poster for each characteristic. Here is the verse: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Galatians 5:22-23a.
One of the highlights of Tuesday was that we had colored noodles, pink and blue, and they got to cut them up and play with them. Thanks Miss Melissa!. That afternoon the kids asked if they could play with the worms again!
Someone told me today, that they think this is my calling. If it is,God will definitely make sure it all works out and I will pursue my teaching certificate.
May you all be blessed beyond your beliefs, by the one and true living God.
Love, L
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Teacher and Everything Else
Okay so today was a Teacher's in service day and we were off premises, which is nice, because on the three days I don't teach, I still clean at the church. Anyway, we went over curriculum, lesson plans, centers, PE, Music, Science, Story Time/Safety Lesson, and Bible Study. I'm the only one not certified, but I don't have to be at the Day school. I am hoping that God will use this time to show me if teaching is something I need to pursue or not and if it is, I want to be certified.
I was so overwhelmed with things. We are at school from 7:30 to 3:30 on Tuesday and Thursdays. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, happy, scared... (I know it is 3 year olds...What do I have to be scared of???) Anyway, I will have eight little children that I get to teach how to write their names, count, learn all the pledges, the calendar, the alphabet... and the list goes on. My husband says this is my practice for being a grandma. He says I have so much love in my heart that I need to share it with all those little kids.
I feel kind of like a fish out of water, but I know it will be okay, because God is going to be there every step of the way. I love that I'm at a school where it's okay to talk about Jesus, God, The bible, and we even pray in the mornings, before snack and before lunch.
Thursday will be getting our rooms set up for the kids. Monday night is open house, and then the first day of school is August 31st. Whew Hoo!!!!!! Tomorrow I get some one on one training and help with my lesson plan. I'm having a difficult time getting the logistics but I know it will all come together.
I hope that as a Christian I will be able to impact some of these peoples lives, as a mother and grandmother I get to share my love with the children while teaching them to write and count. I can't wait!!!!
May you all be truly Blessed by God. Impact a small person's life if you get the chance. You may be the difference they need.
I was so overwhelmed with things. We are at school from 7:30 to 3:30 on Tuesday and Thursdays. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, happy, scared... (I know it is 3 year olds...What do I have to be scared of???) Anyway, I will have eight little children that I get to teach how to write their names, count, learn all the pledges, the calendar, the alphabet... and the list goes on. My husband says this is my practice for being a grandma. He says I have so much love in my heart that I need to share it with all those little kids.
I feel kind of like a fish out of water, but I know it will be okay, because God is going to be there every step of the way. I love that I'm at a school where it's okay to talk about Jesus, God, The bible, and we even pray in the mornings, before snack and before lunch.
Thursday will be getting our rooms set up for the kids. Monday night is open house, and then the first day of school is August 31st. Whew Hoo!!!!!! Tomorrow I get some one on one training and help with my lesson plan. I'm having a difficult time getting the logistics but I know it will all come together.
I hope that as a Christian I will be able to impact some of these peoples lives, as a mother and grandmother I get to share my love with the children while teaching them to write and count. I can't wait!!!!
May you all be truly Blessed by God. Impact a small person's life if you get the chance. You may be the difference they need.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
To My Daughter
When I asked God 24 years and 14 months ago (you were baking for 9 of those, more like 10) for someone to love me unconditionally, I had no idea that He would bless me with someone like you. You have taught me to be patient, understanding, and gentle. You have taught me that no matter what we are always there for each other.
I love the person you have become. You are beautiful, intelligent, giving, caring and thoughtful. You are a daughter, a wife, a granddaughter, a sister and one day soon you too, will be a mother. I hope for you a daughter just like I received from God. I love that you walk with God, and that your faith is strong. I love that you have that joy in your heart that only God can place there.
Over the years we have played, laughed and probably done some things we shouldn't. I've enjoyed every minute of every day that we have spent together. Even though there were times when we were angry, we never left one another. I know it was probably tough on you growing up with out a dad around all the time, but you had something better. You had a grandfather that loved you as if you were his. He was so happy the day I told him and Nanny that I was going to have a baby. He was all smiles.
I know that I have made mistakes while you were growing up, but we learned together and I want so much for you. I want you to dream big dreams, laugh as much as possible, love with all your heart and know that above everything else, you were a gift from God.
Cherish every day as if it were you last. Never forget to tell people you love them, and never let angry words hurt those you love. You are and will always be, my baby girl. Love, Mom.
I love the person you have become. You are beautiful, intelligent, giving, caring and thoughtful. You are a daughter, a wife, a granddaughter, a sister and one day soon you too, will be a mother. I hope for you a daughter just like I received from God. I love that you walk with God, and that your faith is strong. I love that you have that joy in your heart that only God can place there.
Over the years we have played, laughed and probably done some things we shouldn't. I've enjoyed every minute of every day that we have spent together. Even though there were times when we were angry, we never left one another. I know it was probably tough on you growing up with out a dad around all the time, but you had something better. You had a grandfather that loved you as if you were his. He was so happy the day I told him and Nanny that I was going to have a baby. He was all smiles.
I know that I have made mistakes while you were growing up, but we learned together and I want so much for you. I want you to dream big dreams, laugh as much as possible, love with all your heart and know that above everything else, you were a gift from God.
Cherish every day as if it were you last. Never forget to tell people you love them, and never let angry words hurt those you love. You are and will always be, my baby girl. Love, Mom.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Finally Friday!!!
It's finally Friday and it has been an awesome week! My mom came down on the 30th of July and stayed with my daughter until this morning. BY THE WAY MOM....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
It has come to my attention that I haven't lost my temper but once this week.... That is a major accomplishment, and I haven't been angry but once this week... same day. I know that is because I've given my life to GOD.
GOD has answered two of my prayers this week, so if you doubt that GOD hears you, DON'T. However you have to be willing to listen and to do what HE asks you to do, when you give your life to GOD. I know this is a bunch of rambling, but my mind has been running 100mph today, even when I took a little nap, I dreamed in super fast speed. HAHA! Glad there wasn't any policemen in my dream... I might have a ticket!! LOL.
Recovery meeting was awesome last night and my husband, Norman (For those who don't know his name) stood in front of the group again and shared, and made a joke, which I was part of... it was quite funny! He told the group that anyone that needed to talk, could call the house and it didn't matter if it was 4 am. He said, "My wife will answer the phone," and there was a 1000 laughs (okay so I exaggerate a little). Then he said, "No really she always hears the phone and will answer and wake me up. It's true. I'm not a very deep sleeper.
What prayers did GOD answer for me this week? I will share one. Since I quit working in corporate America, I haven't had any friends. Oh I have email buddies, and people I talk to on Face book, but no one to call and say let's go to sonic, or want to go to the movies or anything like that. So I've been praying that someone would come along. Some one that was a christian, that shared the same beliefs, and that it would just seem inevitable that we were going to be friends. Well it happened. A young lady from church that I see almost every day asked me to become her prayer partner and we just hit it off! We've been talking and sharing for awhile. She is sooooo sweet!!!!! Anyway, she was the answer to my prayer. She is a great friend and I know we are going to be good friends for a long time.
So let's see oh yeah, I was cleaning the auditorium today. The baptistry has been filled going on three weeks now. On Thursday, I went over and threw some bleach in it to kill anything growing (Just kidding), but we do have a cricket problem right now. The little buggers are every where. So today after I dusted the auditorium I went up into the baptistry to dip out crickets. Well I got what I could reach by standing on the very top, no water. However, some of the little buggers were in the middle. So being a good Baptist, I took off my flip flips and walked down the first couple of steps. Water just above my ankles and I was able to get a couple more. However, the pump kicked on, and they started swirling out to the middle. Now I wear shorts and a T-shirt to clean in, but I really didn't want to go swimming in the Baptistry. So I took one more step down, water to my knees now and was able to get a couple more. However, then I guess I swirled the water to much because on the filter, a couple that were stuck fell off. And went to the bottom. As I stood there looking at the crickets, and the depth of the water, I realized that there was no way to get the rest without getting a little wet. So I pulled my shorts up and took the next step down with my left foot. The edge of my shorts still got wet. I leaned over and now the left half of my shirt was wet, but I got 'em!!! The little buggers did not get away. SO I climbed out and looked and then I notice, one had swam to the other side. I dried off, walk out of that side, went to the other side, unlocked the door, climbed the steps and he was floating towards the other side and was almost to the middle...... so back into the water I went... LEANED WAY OUT! Foot started to slide, but swiped him up in the net, and didn't get any wetter.... WHOA!!!! Actually... it wasn't too bad, and I came home afterwards, but it was necessary since we are Baptizing 4 people on Sunday!!!! I won't mind if I have to get a snorkel and wet suit and clean the baptistry for the rest of the year as long as God keeps leading new people to church and they keep accepting HIM as their Savior. Can I get an AMEN??? AAAAAAMMMMMEEEENNNN!
It has come to my attention that I haven't lost my temper but once this week.... That is a major accomplishment, and I haven't been angry but once this week... same day. I know that is because I've given my life to GOD.
GOD has answered two of my prayers this week, so if you doubt that GOD hears you, DON'T. However you have to be willing to listen and to do what HE asks you to do, when you give your life to GOD. I know this is a bunch of rambling, but my mind has been running 100mph today, even when I took a little nap, I dreamed in super fast speed. HAHA! Glad there wasn't any policemen in my dream... I might have a ticket!! LOL.
Recovery meeting was awesome last night and my husband, Norman (For those who don't know his name) stood in front of the group again and shared, and made a joke, which I was part of... it was quite funny! He told the group that anyone that needed to talk, could call the house and it didn't matter if it was 4 am. He said, "My wife will answer the phone," and there was a 1000 laughs (okay so I exaggerate a little). Then he said, "No really she always hears the phone and will answer and wake me up. It's true. I'm not a very deep sleeper.
What prayers did GOD answer for me this week? I will share one. Since I quit working in corporate America, I haven't had any friends. Oh I have email buddies, and people I talk to on Face book, but no one to call and say let's go to sonic, or want to go to the movies or anything like that. So I've been praying that someone would come along. Some one that was a christian, that shared the same beliefs, and that it would just seem inevitable that we were going to be friends. Well it happened. A young lady from church that I see almost every day asked me to become her prayer partner and we just hit it off! We've been talking and sharing for awhile. She is sooooo sweet!!!!! Anyway, she was the answer to my prayer. She is a great friend and I know we are going to be good friends for a long time.
So let's see oh yeah, I was cleaning the auditorium today. The baptistry has been filled going on three weeks now. On Thursday, I went over and threw some bleach in it to kill anything growing (Just kidding), but we do have a cricket problem right now. The little buggers are every where. So today after I dusted the auditorium I went up into the baptistry to dip out crickets. Well I got what I could reach by standing on the very top, no water. However, some of the little buggers were in the middle. So being a good Baptist, I took off my flip flips and walked down the first couple of steps. Water just above my ankles and I was able to get a couple more. However, the pump kicked on, and they started swirling out to the middle. Now I wear shorts and a T-shirt to clean in, but I really didn't want to go swimming in the Baptistry. So I took one more step down, water to my knees now and was able to get a couple more. However, then I guess I swirled the water to much because on the filter, a couple that were stuck fell off. And went to the bottom. As I stood there looking at the crickets, and the depth of the water, I realized that there was no way to get the rest without getting a little wet. So I pulled my shorts up and took the next step down with my left foot. The edge of my shorts still got wet. I leaned over and now the left half of my shirt was wet, but I got 'em!!! The little buggers did not get away. SO I climbed out and looked and then I notice, one had swam to the other side. I dried off, walk out of that side, went to the other side, unlocked the door, climbed the steps and he was floating towards the other side and was almost to the middle...... so back into the water I went... LEANED WAY OUT! Foot started to slide, but swiped him up in the net, and didn't get any wetter.... WHOA!!!! Actually... it wasn't too bad, and I came home afterwards, but it was necessary since we are Baptizing 4 people on Sunday!!!! I won't mind if I have to get a snorkel and wet suit and clean the baptistry for the rest of the year as long as God keeps leading new people to church and they keep accepting HIM as their Savior. Can I get an AMEN??? AAAAAAMMMMMEEEENNNN!
Answered prayers,
God's Word,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Spoken Words
There are some words or phrases that if said from the speakers point of view is not bad, for the speaker's self esteem. However if you are the receiver of such words it can be devastating to your well being and self esteem. Think about them. Have you ever said anything that was hurtful? Have you ever thought about something you said only to realize it is too late to take it back? It is said that the tongue is sharper than a two-edge sword, and that is very true.
I'm right. You're wrong.
Smile. Don't you know how to do anything but frown?
You are rude, crude and abrupt. Try to be nice.
Why are you so bitter?
Grow up!
You are so negative! You need an attitude adjustment.
Can't you do anything right?
That was a stupid mistake!
Did you think before you opened your mouth and inserted your foot?
Why can't you be more like your (sister, brother, or whoever)
What is wrong with you? Are you just stupid?
Stop crying only a baby cries!
We all say things out of anger or in the heat of the moment or in the middle of what might be a crisis to one person. Sometimes, we don't realize we have just hurt someone by what we said. It may have all been an innocent remark.(Well maybe not). Can you be the type of person that goes back and says, "I'm sorry. I was angry and I didn't mean what I said, or that wasn't exactly what I meant? I know some people don't like the word, "I'm sorry." If that is you, then ask to be forgiven, use words that are not objectionable to you. Although you are suppose to be sincere and mean it from your heart. "I apologize" always sounded so cold to me, but you can say, "Please forgive" or "Can you forgive me".
How do you apologize to God when you have done something wrong? We are to treat each other like we want to be treated. We are to love each other as Christ loves us. Are you living that way?
I hope this posts makes sense. It has been weighing heavily on my mind since last week. Mostly because I overheard someone say, "I'm right. You're wrong." That always bothers me. It has taken me a long time to learn to admit when I'm wrong, but no one is right 100% of the time, and there has only been one perfect person to ever walk this earth. He sits at the right hand of God. Do you know Him? Don't wait until it is too late, the alternative is not going to be pleasant.
I'm right. You're wrong.
Smile. Don't you know how to do anything but frown?
You are rude, crude and abrupt. Try to be nice.
Why are you so bitter?
Grow up!
You are so negative! You need an attitude adjustment.
Can't you do anything right?
That was a stupid mistake!
Did you think before you opened your mouth and inserted your foot?
Why can't you be more like your (sister, brother, or whoever)
What is wrong with you? Are you just stupid?
Stop crying only a baby cries!
We all say things out of anger or in the heat of the moment or in the middle of what might be a crisis to one person. Sometimes, we don't realize we have just hurt someone by what we said. It may have all been an innocent remark.(Well maybe not). Can you be the type of person that goes back and says, "I'm sorry. I was angry and I didn't mean what I said, or that wasn't exactly what I meant? I know some people don't like the word, "I'm sorry." If that is you, then ask to be forgiven, use words that are not objectionable to you. Although you are suppose to be sincere and mean it from your heart. "I apologize" always sounded so cold to me, but you can say, "Please forgive" or "Can you forgive me".
How do you apologize to God when you have done something wrong? We are to treat each other like we want to be treated. We are to love each other as Christ loves us. Are you living that way?
I hope this posts makes sense. It has been weighing heavily on my mind since last week. Mostly because I overheard someone say, "I'm right. You're wrong." That always bothers me. It has taken me a long time to learn to admit when I'm wrong, but no one is right 100% of the time, and there has only been one perfect person to ever walk this earth. He sits at the right hand of God. Do you know Him? Don't wait until it is too late, the alternative is not going to be pleasant.
God's Word,
Monday, July 26, 2010
Before the NMHS Reunion - Enjoy Class of 1980!!
Okay, I just received the funniest email from my mother in law. Thanks Momma Aliene! It is so appropriate because my 30th high school reunion is this weekend. I'm not going to get to attend, but I've sent this out to a friend of mine, but thought I would try to post it for everyone to read and to listen to. Hopefully this is going to work... Enjoy! Turn off the music from the playlist and turn up your speakers!!! This is priceless!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Some Time Ago
Tomorrow is July 24th, and 59 years ago tomorrow, God created one of the best presents I ever received. What might you ask? My husband. We know that God sent us each other and had it planned way before we knew it.
He is a very sweet, loving, and happy person, and he works very hard to take care of me. I love him with all my heart, body and soul. We are growing as Christians and as husband and wife. I waited a long time for the right person to come along, and I prayed on April 19th, 2001, for God to send me a husband and a father for my daughter. I asked for a Christian man that would be kind and loving and accepted us just the way we were, and he did. We love each other unconditionally, and love doing things for each other. There are some days he comes home from working out in the Texas heat and stands at the grill to cook dinner. I try to do special things for him, like take him coffee in bed every once and a while. We worked together for awhile and I loved it! Thank you for all you do for me, for making me feel safe, secure and loved.
I wish you a very happy birthday! I love you and I hope we have 50 more years together.
Happy Birthday Honey!
He is a very sweet, loving, and happy person, and he works very hard to take care of me. I love him with all my heart, body and soul. We are growing as Christians and as husband and wife. I waited a long time for the right person to come along, and I prayed on April 19th, 2001, for God to send me a husband and a father for my daughter. I asked for a Christian man that would be kind and loving and accepted us just the way we were, and he did. We love each other unconditionally, and love doing things for each other. There are some days he comes home from working out in the Texas heat and stands at the grill to cook dinner. I try to do special things for him, like take him coffee in bed every once and a while. We worked together for awhile and I loved it! Thank you for all you do for me, for making me feel safe, secure and loved.
I wish you a very happy birthday! I love you and I hope we have 50 more years together.
Happy Birthday Honey!
gifts of love,
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Never Give Up
I was born in 1962 and as I grew up I never once thought I wouldn’t get married. As a child I had a weight problem, and it never really went away nor has it gone away today. I graduated from high school, and got a job. I went to a vocational school and took a job in Abilene, Texas. It was awesome! I turned 21 years old out there and although, I didn’t weigh any more than I do now, I felt like I was obese. I developed an eating disorder of sorts. It’s not something I’m proud of and I probably should have gotten professional help when I returned home to the Dallas area. I didn’t… and I’m not sure anyone even realized that it was an eating disorder. I mean everyone knew what anorexia was then, but it wasn’t something you talked about and I wasn’t anorexic. I starved myself, but I didn’t make myself throw up, not then anyway. I might have eaten one meal a day but most of the time I drank Coca Cola. I can truthfully say I’m a Coke addict, but it’s legal.
As time went by, I made friends and when we weren’t working, we were out drinking. It was also during this time, that I had female health issues and at one point was pretty much told I would not be able to have a child. Now they didn’t say I couldn’t get pregnant, just that I would not be able to have a child. That is another story in itself. Let’s just suffice it to say that I have a 24 year old daughter and God does work miracles.
Time to fast forward by the time I hit 35, I had been in several relationships, but nothing that felt right but something did happen that changed my life. I was obese by this time. My body fat was over 51%, I weighed in excess of 300 lbs and I couldn’t get in the floor and get up by myself. I made a decision that I have to live with for the rest of my life and that is okay, but it is in danger of being totally messed up. Again, that is another story or another chapter. In 2004, my insurance company agreed to pay for a gastric bypass. I found a hospital and we went through all the preliminary requirements and on October 23, 2003, I got a new stomach and a new beginning. As of today, I’ve lost 140 pounds because of this life changing surgery and I have no regrets. It gave me confidence, and a new attitude and I no longer thought of myself as overweight or ugly. Still I was unable to find the right person to spend the rest of my life with. I joined dating services, met people through friends, but nothing seemed to be right.
By now I’m over the 40 year mark I had pretty much given up hope of meeting the right person, so I thought I had to settle for something less than what I deserve. I met a man 25+ years my senior. We seemed to hit it off and being the trusting person I was, I became involved. I even went as far as to fly to Chino Valley, AZ and bring him and his mother back. Have you ever had that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you just need to turn around and walk away? I should have gotten right back on a plane and flown back to Texas. But what if this was my only chance to be married? Maybe I was just tired and what I was feeling was wrong? Always listen to your gut feeling or intuition or whatever you want to call it. He was a parasite. He did give me an engagement ring on Valentine’s Day in 2005. I promptly gave it back to him and told him to move a week before my birthday. I continued to lose weight from the surgery, but developed a binge purge kind of thing. The first sign of feeling too full and I would make myself go throw up. (This is not a good thing). Okay so let’s skip a little. I joined match.com but couldn’t break not seeing the parasite. I tried everything and then eventually, I told him, that it was killing me and that I couldn’t live sneaking around behind my family to see him. I knew it wasn’t right anyway, but I didn’t want to be alone. Okay so back to match.com. Up until July of 2005, when I was still seeing the parasite, I had gone out on a few dates, nothing serious. The only that happened with anyone serious during this time, was a wonderful man named Wayne, who I happened to be relocating for his company. We had wonderful conversations and had two majorly enjoyable dates. It was not meant to be though.
Okay In July of 2005, I went to Shreveport with a friend gambling one night, and on the way home, I actually had to let her drive. I couldn’t stay awake. It was the next few days that I got sick. I lost 12 pounds in two days, and almost passed out. I continually threw up. I had to go to the emergency room, but no one, not even, my doctor figured out what was wrong. A friend of mine finally suggested that it sounded like Mono. So I asked my doctor to test me and sure enough it was mono. Needless to say, the parasite gave it to me, but swears he didn’t have it. I had to contract it from somewhere. My doctor said that my case was severe enough that it had to be contracted. It took awhile and I actually wound up in the emergency room a second time from dehydration, before I began to bounce back. My membership with match.com was getting close to expiring and I had decided to cancel it at the end of the month. It was November now and winter was approaching and I would be alone during the holidays once again.
What happened next should never have happened. I kept asking God to send me someone. I actually asked him in April of 2001 for a husband and just so you know God does answer prayers but in His time, not ours. So let me get to the rest of the story. On November the 3rd of 2005, I received an email from match.com from a person who went by East Texas Hillbilly; however it came directly to my personal email with EarthLink. You see there is a built in security with email, that if I don’t know the person I have to approve them as an email address. They actually have to send a message to ask to email me. For some strange reason, he got the email from EarthLink and it actually displayed my email address and so he was able to bypass the security. It should never have happened, but I’m glad it did. We started exchanging emails and it was days of constant emails before I would even give him my phone number. He has this wonderful deep voice and all I could do was smile into the phone. I finally agreed to meet him in the afternoon on November 13th at a restaurant called Two Senoritas for coffee or tea or whatever. It’s funny, when I first saw him, I thought or he is not really my type, this will never work, but before our date was over, I was caught. He had already made me feel like the most important person in his world and he was fast becoming the most important person in mine. We seemed to know without a doubt that God had brought us together. The more we talked the more we discovered that we had been playing around in each other’s back yards for years and just didn’t know it.
It just seemed to be right when we were shopping in Wal-Mart one day to buy a set of wedding rings. He hadn’t proposed yet and although we talked about it jokingly, we hadn’t taken that step. We headed home and we stopped at his house to get a few things. This is December 19th 2005. We were all in the house, because my daughter was with us and she and I were playing around with the pool table. She headed towards the bathroom and suddenly, Norman was in front of me on both knees asking me to marry him. I started crying. Why? I mean we had just bought rings, but I hadn’t noticed that he had brought them in with him. My daughter witnessed the whole thing and of course I said yes…. Duh!!! It doesn’t take a sledge hammer for me to realize that God sent him to me.
We were married on March 31st of 2006 and it is hard to believe even today that I am married. God knew when the time was right and sent me the person I needed and sent me to the man who needed me. Yes we have had our problems, mostly because of work related issues and family, but I would never leave him. He was my gift from God and I thank Him every day for my husband.
So I guess my message to all those out there that might read this, never give up hope that God will send the right man to you. He will. It will just be on His time, now yours. Never lose hope or stop dreaming…God Bless.
As time went by, I made friends and when we weren’t working, we were out drinking. It was also during this time, that I had female health issues and at one point was pretty much told I would not be able to have a child. Now they didn’t say I couldn’t get pregnant, just that I would not be able to have a child. That is another story in itself. Let’s just suffice it to say that I have a 24 year old daughter and God does work miracles.
Time to fast forward by the time I hit 35, I had been in several relationships, but nothing that felt right but something did happen that changed my life. I was obese by this time. My body fat was over 51%, I weighed in excess of 300 lbs and I couldn’t get in the floor and get up by myself. I made a decision that I have to live with for the rest of my life and that is okay, but it is in danger of being totally messed up. Again, that is another story or another chapter. In 2004, my insurance company agreed to pay for a gastric bypass. I found a hospital and we went through all the preliminary requirements and on October 23, 2003, I got a new stomach and a new beginning. As of today, I’ve lost 140 pounds because of this life changing surgery and I have no regrets. It gave me confidence, and a new attitude and I no longer thought of myself as overweight or ugly. Still I was unable to find the right person to spend the rest of my life with. I joined dating services, met people through friends, but nothing seemed to be right.
By now I’m over the 40 year mark I had pretty much given up hope of meeting the right person, so I thought I had to settle for something less than what I deserve. I met a man 25+ years my senior. We seemed to hit it off and being the trusting person I was, I became involved. I even went as far as to fly to Chino Valley, AZ and bring him and his mother back. Have you ever had that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you just need to turn around and walk away? I should have gotten right back on a plane and flown back to Texas. But what if this was my only chance to be married? Maybe I was just tired and what I was feeling was wrong? Always listen to your gut feeling or intuition or whatever you want to call it. He was a parasite. He did give me an engagement ring on Valentine’s Day in 2005. I promptly gave it back to him and told him to move a week before my birthday. I continued to lose weight from the surgery, but developed a binge purge kind of thing. The first sign of feeling too full and I would make myself go throw up. (This is not a good thing). Okay so let’s skip a little. I joined match.com but couldn’t break not seeing the parasite. I tried everything and then eventually, I told him, that it was killing me and that I couldn’t live sneaking around behind my family to see him. I knew it wasn’t right anyway, but I didn’t want to be alone. Okay so back to match.com. Up until July of 2005, when I was still seeing the parasite, I had gone out on a few dates, nothing serious. The only that happened with anyone serious during this time, was a wonderful man named Wayne, who I happened to be relocating for his company. We had wonderful conversations and had two majorly enjoyable dates. It was not meant to be though.
Okay In July of 2005, I went to Shreveport with a friend gambling one night, and on the way home, I actually had to let her drive. I couldn’t stay awake. It was the next few days that I got sick. I lost 12 pounds in two days, and almost passed out. I continually threw up. I had to go to the emergency room, but no one, not even, my doctor figured out what was wrong. A friend of mine finally suggested that it sounded like Mono. So I asked my doctor to test me and sure enough it was mono. Needless to say, the parasite gave it to me, but swears he didn’t have it. I had to contract it from somewhere. My doctor said that my case was severe enough that it had to be contracted. It took awhile and I actually wound up in the emergency room a second time from dehydration, before I began to bounce back. My membership with match.com was getting close to expiring and I had decided to cancel it at the end of the month. It was November now and winter was approaching and I would be alone during the holidays once again.
What happened next should never have happened. I kept asking God to send me someone. I actually asked him in April of 2001 for a husband and just so you know God does answer prayers but in His time, not ours. So let me get to the rest of the story. On November the 3rd of 2005, I received an email from match.com from a person who went by East Texas Hillbilly; however it came directly to my personal email with EarthLink. You see there is a built in security with email, that if I don’t know the person I have to approve them as an email address. They actually have to send a message to ask to email me. For some strange reason, he got the email from EarthLink and it actually displayed my email address and so he was able to bypass the security. It should never have happened, but I’m glad it did. We started exchanging emails and it was days of constant emails before I would even give him my phone number. He has this wonderful deep voice and all I could do was smile into the phone. I finally agreed to meet him in the afternoon on November 13th at a restaurant called Two Senoritas for coffee or tea or whatever. It’s funny, when I first saw him, I thought or he is not really my type, this will never work, but before our date was over, I was caught. He had already made me feel like the most important person in his world and he was fast becoming the most important person in mine. We seemed to know without a doubt that God had brought us together. The more we talked the more we discovered that we had been playing around in each other’s back yards for years and just didn’t know it.
It just seemed to be right when we were shopping in Wal-Mart one day to buy a set of wedding rings. He hadn’t proposed yet and although we talked about it jokingly, we hadn’t taken that step. We headed home and we stopped at his house to get a few things. This is December 19th 2005. We were all in the house, because my daughter was with us and she and I were playing around with the pool table. She headed towards the bathroom and suddenly, Norman was in front of me on both knees asking me to marry him. I started crying. Why? I mean we had just bought rings, but I hadn’t noticed that he had brought them in with him. My daughter witnessed the whole thing and of course I said yes…. Duh!!! It doesn’t take a sledge hammer for me to realize that God sent him to me.
We were married on March 31st of 2006 and it is hard to believe even today that I am married. God knew when the time was right and sent me the person I needed and sent me to the man who needed me. Yes we have had our problems, mostly because of work related issues and family, but I would never leave him. He was my gift from God and I thank Him every day for my husband.
So I guess my message to all those out there that might read this, never give up hope that God will send the right man to you. He will. It will just be on His time, now yours. Never lose hope or stop dreaming…God Bless.
Answered prayers,
gifts of love,
Monday, July 19, 2010
Compulsive Eating - One of my addictions
I was diagnosed with compulsive eating disorder in 1999. I was seeing a therapist and after some evaluations, she had my diagnosis. It was hard for me to get it under control and I did or I would not have been cleared psychologically to have a gastric bypass. However, it is back and in full swing, and based on my calculations has been for at least 18 months. If you count from my lowest weight since the gastric bypass until today, then I have gained 25 pounds. So what am I doing to get this back under control? Well here's where we are:
1) First I had to face the fact that it was back and I told my husband, mother, daughter, and other family members.
2) Next I went to our storage building and retrieved my books that I've had since I was first diagnosed. There are titled: "Feeding the Hungry Heart" by Geneen Roth and "Breaking Free from Compulsive Eating" also by Geneen Roth.
3) Now I'm reading the first book again, and I found it interesting how some of the steps follow right along with recovery.
"We would rather turn to food or drugs or drink that dulls the call, never reaching the loamy hungers inside. The drive to eat compulsively is not about food. It is about hungers. The hungers of regret and sorrow, of unspoken anger, unrealized dreams; the hungers of your own potential that are waiting to be filled, like a baby bird's mouth."
I'm determined once again to conquer this demon. My husband is standing by my side and is helping me. I've explained about trigger foods like sugar cookie dough, chips and hot sauce, french fries, tater tots, and the list will be expanded once I identify the list. It will be posted in our kitchen, on the fridge, and he is going to help me.
Everyone, every size and shape can have an eating disorder and you would not know it by looking at them. Binge and purge is a very common one and although this is not something I'm proud of I can throw up at the drop of a hat. Gross right? Yes. It has taken me until yesterday to really see how bad it was, and I think my husband noticed it for the first time. I have put some new parameters in place to help me with some of my issues. There are only two right now, but are a major step to stop the purging.
1) Don't drink anything while I'm eating. Stop five minutes before I eat, and don't drink again until at least 30 minutes after my meal. This one is difficult.
2) Put my utensil down between each bite and completely chew my bite of food before picking up my utensil and starting again.
These too steps allow you to know when you are full with food, and not drinking allows for you not to stretch your stomach with both food and drink.
It may sound so simple to someone who doesn't have an issue, but it's not as simple as you think. Like today, I ate more at lunch than I should have, and it was all I could do, not to purge myself. It will get better, and God will be with me every step of the way. May you be truly Blessed with God's love. L
1) First I had to face the fact that it was back and I told my husband, mother, daughter, and other family members.
2) Next I went to our storage building and retrieved my books that I've had since I was first diagnosed. There are titled: "Feeding the Hungry Heart" by Geneen Roth and "Breaking Free from Compulsive Eating" also by Geneen Roth.
3) Now I'm reading the first book again, and I found it interesting how some of the steps follow right along with recovery.
"We would rather turn to food or drugs or drink that dulls the call, never reaching the loamy hungers inside. The drive to eat compulsively is not about food. It is about hungers. The hungers of regret and sorrow, of unspoken anger, unrealized dreams; the hungers of your own potential that are waiting to be filled, like a baby bird's mouth."
I'm determined once again to conquer this demon. My husband is standing by my side and is helping me. I've explained about trigger foods like sugar cookie dough, chips and hot sauce, french fries, tater tots, and the list will be expanded once I identify the list. It will be posted in our kitchen, on the fridge, and he is going to help me.
Everyone, every size and shape can have an eating disorder and you would not know it by looking at them. Binge and purge is a very common one and although this is not something I'm proud of I can throw up at the drop of a hat. Gross right? Yes. It has taken me until yesterday to really see how bad it was, and I think my husband noticed it for the first time. I have put some new parameters in place to help me with some of my issues. There are only two right now, but are a major step to stop the purging.
1) Don't drink anything while I'm eating. Stop five minutes before I eat, and don't drink again until at least 30 minutes after my meal. This one is difficult.
2) Put my utensil down between each bite and completely chew my bite of food before picking up my utensil and starting again.
These too steps allow you to know when you are full with food, and not drinking allows for you not to stretch your stomach with both food and drink.
It may sound so simple to someone who doesn't have an issue, but it's not as simple as you think. Like today, I ate more at lunch than I should have, and it was all I could do, not to purge myself. It will get better, and God will be with me every step of the way. May you be truly Blessed with God's love. L
Friday, July 16, 2010
The End of the Week - July 16, 2010 - Friday
I am out of topics to post today, so I thought I would just write about today and how right life is for us. It is Friday, and I have been up since 5:00am. Why might you ask? Well I have quiet time with God in the mornings and it starts as soon as I have a cup of coffee in my hand, dogs have their morning cookies and I get the computer started.
I journal every day and that is part of my Road to Recovery. (See my blog: http://livingbythewordofgod.blogspot.com) for more information on that, however, when I pray, I write as if I'm sending a letter to God. It is easier for me to have a conversation with Him if I'm writing it. When I first started doing this, it was barely a page, now if I can get everything down in three or four pages, I'm lucky. Once I finish my journaling, I clean out and answer my emails. Then if I have time or if I'm not working at the church, I blog or catch up reading those I follow and then I usually visit my Facebook profile.
Today I worked over at the church and I seemed to have renewed strength today. It was one of the things I asked God for this morning, because I have not been sleeping and I'm exhausted. (Again go visit the other blog).
I had a great conversation with my cousin around lunch time and she is going to call back later I hope. My husband left somewhere around 8:30 this morning and was on his way to Arlington about 10:45am. Not sure when he will be home.
The rest of the day I have spent mowing, cleaning, laundry and was going to mop but alas, I need double A batteries for my wetjet.
Next Saturday the 24th is my husband's birthday. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for him yet. He will be 59. I thank God everyday that he gave me Norman. I'm glad I waited to get married and even though we have had some very rough spots and times, we love each other very much and he takes excellent care of me.
I have supper ready to go once I know he is on his way home, and we received our first two netflix movies today. We got a free trial and I think it will be good. We will be able to catch up on some movies.
If you get the chance there is a blog I want to recommend. The author is a friend and I did some freelance writing for her. I think I might be old enough to be her mother. She is the wife of a Southern Baptist Preacher and I love her blog. She is very honest and open and we share the same beliefs. She has been a great support over the last year and half. Take a minute and check out her blog: http://www.strivingfor31.com/, you will be blessed.
I hope you all have a God Filled weekend, and I hope you are doubly blessed by God this week.
I journal every day and that is part of my Road to Recovery. (See my blog: http://livingbythewordofgod.blogspot.com) for more information on that, however, when I pray, I write as if I'm sending a letter to God. It is easier for me to have a conversation with Him if I'm writing it. When I first started doing this, it was barely a page, now if I can get everything down in three or four pages, I'm lucky. Once I finish my journaling, I clean out and answer my emails. Then if I have time or if I'm not working at the church, I blog or catch up reading those I follow and then I usually visit my Facebook profile.
Today I worked over at the church and I seemed to have renewed strength today. It was one of the things I asked God for this morning, because I have not been sleeping and I'm exhausted. (Again go visit the other blog).
I had a great conversation with my cousin around lunch time and she is going to call back later I hope. My husband left somewhere around 8:30 this morning and was on his way to Arlington about 10:45am. Not sure when he will be home.
The rest of the day I have spent mowing, cleaning, laundry and was going to mop but alas, I need double A batteries for my wetjet.
Next Saturday the 24th is my husband's birthday. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for him yet. He will be 59. I thank God everyday that he gave me Norman. I'm glad I waited to get married and even though we have had some very rough spots and times, we love each other very much and he takes excellent care of me.
I have supper ready to go once I know he is on his way home, and we received our first two netflix movies today. We got a free trial and I think it will be good. We will be able to catch up on some movies.
If you get the chance there is a blog I want to recommend. The author is a friend and I did some freelance writing for her. I think I might be old enough to be her mother. She is the wife of a Southern Baptist Preacher and I love her blog. She is very honest and open and we share the same beliefs. She has been a great support over the last year and half. Take a minute and check out her blog: http://www.strivingfor31.com/, you will be blessed.
I hope you all have a God Filled weekend, and I hope you are doubly blessed by God this week.
Southern Baptist
Monday, July 12, 2010
Your Dreams
I am a Facebook user and over the last week or so there have been some people who have posted a status similar to "Never give up or walk away from a dream that you can't go a day without thinking about." Do dreams have deadlines? Only if we set them up to have one. There are five things or dreams I still want to accomplish before I leave this world:
1) To have a place for my husband and I to call our own and grow old together.
2) To be a published author.
3) To train dogs to help people whether that is as therapy dogs, or service dogs of some kind like for the hearing impaired, or just as a companion.
4) To finish recovery and to help others through the process.
5) To be the best I can be for God, so that other people come to know Him as their Savior, and Lord.
I work on all five of thesealmost more than once a day or more than a daily basis if that is possible. I know that I can accomplish my dreams and I will never give them up. It is not for recognition, fame or fortune. It is because it is something I feel strongly about. There are just some things in this life that cause us or move us emotionally, physically and spiritually. These are mine. Just because it is taking longer than you wanted or planned does not mean you give it up. We all experience setbacks. Remember that God answers prayers and take cares of all our needs. Remember it is in His time frame, not ours. Maybe instead of giving up - it is time to examine your heart - Get it right with God. Stop trying to "Fix" it or people. Ask God to "fix" you or help you and then stand Firm in your Faith.
With all my love, I say these things. I know that some of you are having a difficult time. God gave me this yesterday and I knew I had to share it with everyone. Have a God Filled Day! Never Give Up. God is there waiting for you to ask Him for whatever your needs are and to thank Him for being your Lord and Savior. And if you haven't asked Him into your heart, maybe now is the time.
Love, L
1) To have a place for my husband and I to call our own and grow old together.
2) To be a published author.
3) To train dogs to help people whether that is as therapy dogs, or service dogs of some kind like for the hearing impaired, or just as a companion.
4) To finish recovery and to help others through the process.
5) To be the best I can be for God, so that other people come to know Him as their Savior, and Lord.
I work on all five of these
With all my love, I say these things. I know that some of you are having a difficult time. God gave me this yesterday and I knew I had to share it with everyone. Have a God Filled Day! Never Give Up. God is there waiting for you to ask Him for whatever your needs are and to thank Him for being your Lord and Savior. And if you haven't asked Him into your heart, maybe now is the time.
Love, L
beagle downs,
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Life is Good; God is Awesome
This is the first time in days that I have actually felt like blogging. Life sometimes seems so overwhelming, but if we will let Him, God will see us through everything.
We all have talents that we are given by God. It may takes us a while to figure them out, but they are there, and mine even though nothing big has happened is writing.
I've been writing as a free lancer for over a year now and I love it, but it is not always easy to do. Subjects that I don't have a lot of knowledge on, are difficult to write about, even when you research your subject. The pay is another thing! You can pour your heart into an article but it may only pay $1.00 to 2.00 for 500 words or more. Now I'm not saying that is bad, but to make a $100.00 a week at it, really takes time and devotion and sometimes more than eight hours a day. So if you are willing to sacrifice the time, and you get really good, your pay will go up, but it may take a while.
The other thing is this, what you write never appears in your name. I'm really okay with that for the most part, but sometimes the articles I write hit close to home and I would love to receive the acknowledgement that I wrote that, especially when I know it is an excellent article.
Inspiration comes from all kinds of things and places. Some times it is a memory of something bad that has happened in your life, something good that has happened or it could be a quote you hear or a movie you see or a song from the radio. That is what happened to me in this last week! The inspiration for a book came from a movie I saw about an ordinary person and something very ordinary in that person's life.
So this week I'm using that inspiration and looking at how I can get it done. I'm not giving out any information on what the inspiration said to do, but I know it was definitely a sign from God and I want to do everything possible, using my talent, to make it a reality and not just an inspiration.
Search for your talent. Look for inspiration and then put your talent to use for God. My journey has been long and it is no way near complete.
May you all have a God Filled day.
We all have talents that we are given by God. It may takes us a while to figure them out, but they are there, and mine even though nothing big has happened is writing.
I've been writing as a free lancer for over a year now and I love it, but it is not always easy to do. Subjects that I don't have a lot of knowledge on, are difficult to write about, even when you research your subject. The pay is another thing! You can pour your heart into an article but it may only pay $1.00 to 2.00 for 500 words or more. Now I'm not saying that is bad, but to make a $100.00 a week at it, really takes time and devotion and sometimes more than eight hours a day. So if you are willing to sacrifice the time, and you get really good, your pay will go up, but it may take a while.
The other thing is this, what you write never appears in your name. I'm really okay with that for the most part, but sometimes the articles I write hit close to home and I would love to receive the acknowledgement that I wrote that, especially when I know it is an excellent article.
Inspiration comes from all kinds of things and places. Some times it is a memory of something bad that has happened in your life, something good that has happened or it could be a quote you hear or a movie you see or a song from the radio. That is what happened to me in this last week! The inspiration for a book came from a movie I saw about an ordinary person and something very ordinary in that person's life.
So this week I'm using that inspiration and looking at how I can get it done. I'm not giving out any information on what the inspiration said to do, but I know it was definitely a sign from God and I want to do everything possible, using my talent, to make it a reality and not just an inspiration.
Search for your talent. Look for inspiration and then put your talent to use for God. My journey has been long and it is no way near complete.
May you all have a God Filled day.
God given talents,
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
A Picture is Worth
We have all heard the saying many times that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about the tone in someone's words. The tongue it is said is as sharp as a two-edged sword, and I've been told on more than one occassion that I was mean, abrupt and bitter, and it doesn't matter if a person is smiling when they say those things, it still hurts.
Sarcasm is a great defensive mechanism and I used to use it all the time. The other day some one said, "Who only own the words you speak. You cannot control the way someone interprets them or takes them." This is only too true. In the long run, though, does it really matter. If you say something totally unintentionally and someone is offended, is it your responsibility to apologize to them? What if you don't know that you have offend them or hurt their feelings? All you know is that now they are cold and distant.
I posted a new profile picture of myself on Facebook. It is very difficult to smile and take your own picture. Someone said, "Great pic." "Next time smile." Funny thing is, I was smiling. It wasn't a broad grin it was just a slight uplift at the corners of my mouth. In the picture I look like I'm 100 years old or so it seems. Situations in life do take their toll on you and I've been through some difficult things in the last two or three years, and stress has definitely help to age me. I don't feel as old as I look in the photo, and the saying goes you are only as old as you feel right?
Here's a word of wisdom by the way, just because someone isn't smiling all the time, doesn't mean that they are angry or upset or unhappy. They might just be in deep thought or facing a difficult decision. So don't look at them and say smile. Just smile at them and acknowledge them. Chances are that they will smile back.
May you be filled with the loving spirit of God! He is awesome.... Thank you Lord Jesus for everything you do in my life.
Okay, here's the picture I posted on Facebook... Actually I share the one I didn't post and the one I posted.
Not posted....
Sarcasm is a great defensive mechanism and I used to use it all the time. The other day some one said, "Who only own the words you speak. You cannot control the way someone interprets them or takes them." This is only too true. In the long run, though, does it really matter. If you say something totally unintentionally and someone is offended, is it your responsibility to apologize to them? What if you don't know that you have offend them or hurt their feelings? All you know is that now they are cold and distant.
I posted a new profile picture of myself on Facebook. It is very difficult to smile and take your own picture. Someone said, "Great pic." "Next time smile." Funny thing is, I was smiling. It wasn't a broad grin it was just a slight uplift at the corners of my mouth. In the picture I look like I'm 100 years old or so it seems. Situations in life do take their toll on you and I've been through some difficult things in the last two or three years, and stress has definitely help to age me. I don't feel as old as I look in the photo, and the saying goes you are only as old as you feel right?
Here's a word of wisdom by the way, just because someone isn't smiling all the time, doesn't mean that they are angry or upset or unhappy. They might just be in deep thought or facing a difficult decision. So don't look at them and say smile. Just smile at them and acknowledge them. Chances are that they will smile back.
May you be filled with the loving spirit of God! He is awesome.... Thank you Lord Jesus for everything you do in my life.
Okay, here's the picture I posted on Facebook... Actually I share the one I didn't post and the one I posted.
Not posted....
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Separating Your Feelings
There are times lately that I have a hard time separating out my feelings. I pretty sure most of it is because I am going to recovery meetings and it takes you through a lot of self-examination. During the day, my mood fluctuates so much that I can cry one minute and laugh myself to tears the next. Are my hormones screwed up? Probably. I've needed to go to the doctor for hormonal issues for more than a year. No health insurance and lack of income stop me from going.
Some days I feel I have given up a lot in the last few years and I am resentful that I've had to do that, not because I was asked to give them up, but because I had to make some very difficult decisions. Do I ever wish I could turn back time? Several hundred times a week. Would it make a difference? Probably not.
But I do have some regrets that have caused a lot of guilt feelings. The guilt won't seem to go away, and I hope as I travel through on the road to recovery, that they will. I lean more on God every day. I find myself praying and don't even realize that I am doing it. I find myself singing a song in my head from church service on Sunday morning, or from one I've been listening too on the radio at the house. It's not a bad thing, because it keeps me from reliving things from my past. It keeps anger at bay. And I feel closer to God and eventually kind of calm inside.
The dreams that are happening, I'm sure stem from recovery and having to analyze things from my past. One or two things that keep coming back to surface is the question about being selfish. I've never thought of myself as being selfish, maybe I am and just don't see. I'm sure I could pose the question to family and friends and they would be more than happy to answer. Oh but am I ready for that part of recovery? I'm not even sure I'm ready for recovery.
Okay and just as a reminder, recovery is not just for drug addicts or alcoholics. It is for people who have been hurt in their past from many different things or maybe because they have other addictions that could eventually harm them or ruin their lives. So before you look down your nose at someone because they are attending recovery meetings, examine your own past. Maybe you need to go too!
Some days I feel I have given up a lot in the last few years and I am resentful that I've had to do that, not because I was asked to give them up, but because I had to make some very difficult decisions. Do I ever wish I could turn back time? Several hundred times a week. Would it make a difference? Probably not.
But I do have some regrets that have caused a lot of guilt feelings. The guilt won't seem to go away, and I hope as I travel through on the road to recovery, that they will. I lean more on God every day. I find myself praying and don't even realize that I am doing it. I find myself singing a song in my head from church service on Sunday morning, or from one I've been listening too on the radio at the house. It's not a bad thing, because it keeps me from reliving things from my past. It keeps anger at bay. And I feel closer to God and eventually kind of calm inside.
The dreams that are happening, I'm sure stem from recovery and having to analyze things from my past. One or two things that keep coming back to surface is the question about being selfish. I've never thought of myself as being selfish, maybe I am and just don't see. I'm sure I could pose the question to family and friends and they would be more than happy to answer. Oh but am I ready for that part of recovery? I'm not even sure I'm ready for recovery.
Okay and just as a reminder, recovery is not just for drug addicts or alcoholics. It is for people who have been hurt in their past from many different things or maybe because they have other addictions that could eventually harm them or ruin their lives. So before you look down your nose at someone because they are attending recovery meetings, examine your own past. Maybe you need to go too!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Fast Income Systems
Hello Everyone!
You saw the blog on Peak Profits and I mentioned in that site about a sister site that you can sign up for free if you join Peak Profits. The name of the sister site is Fast Income Systems. This site allows you to promote a product, with your own site with out have to buy a domain name, buy hosting, creating the website, etc..
You can join this site, and you don't have to join Peak Profits. It is an awesome way to promote products and build an online income. Again, this is not a get rich quick scheme.. You are not going to be rich over night, and I would not refer this site if I did not believe in the creator. Please take a moment and click on the link below. You have nothing to lose and if you don't join, no big deal.
Enjoy! Take a few minutes! And maybe find the answer to a dream!
Fast Income Systems
You saw the blog on Peak Profits and I mentioned in that site about a sister site that you can sign up for free if you join Peak Profits. The name of the sister site is Fast Income Systems. This site allows you to promote a product, with your own site with out have to buy a domain name, buy hosting, creating the website, etc..
You can join this site, and you don't have to join Peak Profits. It is an awesome way to promote products and build an online income. Again, this is not a get rich quick scheme.. You are not going to be rich over night, and I would not refer this site if I did not believe in the creator. Please take a moment and click on the link below. You have nothing to lose and if you don't join, no big deal.
Enjoy! Take a few minutes! And maybe find the answer to a dream!
Fast Income Systems
Internet business,
work from home
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Peak Profits
Dear Friends,
I’m writing this letter because we are all looking for something better. I’ve been trying things for years that will make me money working from home. Everyone offers a sure fire opportunity, no lose situation, make millions overnight. That is just not possible! I started searching again for opportunities with little or no start up costs. I’m not good at making sales calls and I don’t want to have to hit on my friends to buy my products that I’m selling.
I’ve done free lance writing and you can make money, but you have to write for 12 hours a day and sometimes it only pays pennies for 500 hundred words or more. Although I love writing, that is still not putting money in my account on a regular basis.
In January, as I scoured the internet for some way to start an internet business or a business that I can do from home, I found a website called Peak Profits. I signed up and began following the business plan layout. I have one site that is up and running called, http://dixiedogtreatsntraining.com and I’m working on a second site which is called, http://madamescrawlersink.net, which will promote books, short stories, and content for sell for websites and I will also being offering my services to provide content for clients.
Peak Profits is a unique website. It is not a get rich quick scheme or make millions overnight website. What it will do is teach you how to find a niche and start your own business. There is nothing free in this world, except prayer and Jesus. You have to be willing to spend a little money to make some money. My sites are still in the beginning stages and it does take work. However, I encourage you to check out this site. I’m including a link, and yes it is my referral link. I make a recurring commission of 50% on every person who signs up as a member to participate, and stays in the program. What you get is the chance to make some money and have income on a regular basis and not have to drive in traffic or sit in an office in a 4 x 4 cube for 8 to 12 hours a day. When you sign up for one site, you can also join a second absolutely free! Please take a few moments and check it out! You can also make a commission on referring Peak Profits. Remember you have access to help through a member’s forum once you sign up and you get your answers quickly, simply and everyone is helpful.
You have nothing to lose by reading over the information! Please click on the link below and it will take you to the sign up page.
Thank you for your time,
Peak Profits
I’m writing this letter because we are all looking for something better. I’ve been trying things for years that will make me money working from home. Everyone offers a sure fire opportunity, no lose situation, make millions overnight. That is just not possible! I started searching again for opportunities with little or no start up costs. I’m not good at making sales calls and I don’t want to have to hit on my friends to buy my products that I’m selling.
I’ve done free lance writing and you can make money, but you have to write for 12 hours a day and sometimes it only pays pennies for 500 hundred words or more. Although I love writing, that is still not putting money in my account on a regular basis.
In January, as I scoured the internet for some way to start an internet business or a business that I can do from home, I found a website called Peak Profits. I signed up and began following the business plan layout. I have one site that is up and running called, http://dixiedogtreatsntraining.com and I’m working on a second site which is called, http://madamescrawlersink.net, which will promote books, short stories, and content for sell for websites and I will also being offering my services to provide content for clients.
Peak Profits is a unique website. It is not a get rich quick scheme or make millions overnight website. What it will do is teach you how to find a niche and start your own business. There is nothing free in this world, except prayer and Jesus. You have to be willing to spend a little money to make some money. My sites are still in the beginning stages and it does take work. However, I encourage you to check out this site. I’m including a link, and yes it is my referral link. I make a recurring commission of 50% on every person who signs up as a member to participate, and stays in the program. What you get is the chance to make some money and have income on a regular basis and not have to drive in traffic or sit in an office in a 4 x 4 cube for 8 to 12 hours a day. When you sign up for one site, you can also join a second absolutely free! Please take a few moments and check it out! You can also make a commission on referring Peak Profits. Remember you have access to help through a member’s forum once you sign up and you get your answers quickly, simply and everyone is helpful.
You have nothing to lose by reading over the information! Please click on the link below and it will take you to the sign up page.
Thank you for your time,
Peak Profits
Internet Busines,
Working from home
Saturday, May 29, 2010
My blogs
This notice is to let everyone know that I'm removing automatic emails from my blogging list. If you want to continue to read it, you will need to sign up to follow the blog. This is not to hurt anyone's feelings or because I'm mad at anyone. I'm trying to be honest about my life, my recovery, and the way I feel about things and I think this is best so that no one is offended by what I might say. (This maybe defeating the recovery program!) Writing lets me get my emotions out and if I'm going to deal with my past and get past the hurts, and my addictions, then I need to write.
May you be blessed by God abundantly...
May you be blessed by God abundantly...
gifts of love,
writing blogging
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Notice to my post on Addiction & Recovery
For those of you who read my blog last time, you know that I have started attend Recovery. It is a very Christian based program and also addresses the 12steps that you have heard about. Since it is so intertwined with God, I'm going to do my writing about it and my journey on my other blog, http://livingbythewordofgod.blogspot.com. Please come read and follow my journey as my life is transformed by the only one who can do it, GOD, Jesus Christ, My/Our Saviour.
May you all have a God Filled Day! Love, L
May you all have a God Filled Day! Love, L
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Addiction and Recovery
When you speak of addiction, the first thing that usually comes to a person's mind is drugs and alcohol. Gambling and Sex would probably be the next two things that a person thinks about. However you can be an addict to many things in man's world. There are places where you can go for treatment for addictions of every kind. There are therapists of all kinds to help with all kinds of addiction. A lot of those treatment facilities offer help and step by step programs. But after you complete treatment, you are turned a loose back into society to just start your life again. A lot of treatment programs treat the addiction but not what caused you to turn to your addiction to start with. That where a good recovery program comes into play. I haven't done drugs in about 22 years. My last drink of alcohol was in December of 2009. I struggle every day with wanting a drink and recently even though it has been a long time, I've had to struggle with the desire for the rush from using. I use a highlighter in my bible readings and the refills come in this little plastic tube. Most people wouldn't think a thing about the tube. I emptied and thought that would work perfectly as a straw for snorting speed. Go figure. I would never go back to using drugs, but the desire is sometimes so strong I can't stand it. So you might ask, what caused me to turn to drugs and alcohol? I'm not really sure. Some times I think it is because I have struggled all my life with a weight issue and even today, after surgery, I still struggle because I think I should be a lot smaller. I'm a middle child, not the oldest and not the baby. I was sexually abuse by someone I trust when I was 14. I have always felt like I must compete and be the best no matter what. So hence I have obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD as it is called. These are just a few things that I think might have or could be a factor, but I've started attending a recovery group. It is at my church and they use God in their recovery, not man, but God. No one stares at you, you are accepted at face value. There are no expectations, you are free to come and go as you please. I'm excited to be a part of the group. I'm looking forward to the next meeting. There was a question in the last meeting about when do you forget the hurt? The answer was that only God forgives and forgets. Men can forgive, but you don't forget, you heal. The hurt is there to remind you not to turn back.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Last Three Weeks

I guess I'm writing today, just to catch everyone up on us. I worked at the church all week last week and put in 36 hours. Whew Hoo! Good paycheck coming. Norman and the guys are working in Cedar Hill on a nice size job and that is good. We got the medical release from the Texas Department of Public Safety and he gets to keep his driver's license. Yeah Buddy!
I'm updating my resume, signed up for a online job opportunity, but still looking for something that will help us to make more ends meet! Haha! We've been living in this trailer for almost a year now, sad thing is based on the shape the trailer is in, we won't renew our lease so I'm off looking for a place to move. I want to find some place permanent. I'm not sure that is possible based on income at this point, but we are praying. (SO if I pray for a place rent free for one year, do you think God will answer????) I haven't had time to write or do a lot of work on my websites. I know that I can make some money from them, just need to get more hours in the day. We had a wonderful Easter service at our church. The church had a marketplace set up and we dressed as characters starting on Palm Sunday.That is the picture at the top. My husband is standing beside the Roman Soldier. May God Bless you all!..
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Just Life
Okay, I turned 48 on Monday and today, we are celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary. Life is good. We have a good church home, a place to live, food to eat, and currently we have work. Life is good, but God is Great!
I've had a sinus infection and ear infection since Saturday, and I'm finally feeling better. God is Awesome! My husband and I are planning on singing at church. We've picked out 4 songs and have been listening to all of them. The members at church, (by the way we go to Emory Baptist Church www.emorybaptist.org ) have been trying to get my husband, Norman, to join the choir. He does have a wonderful voice and sings harmony quite well. I'm still a little frightened about singing, but only because without someone to sing along with me, I can't keep the tune, unless it is in a bucket.
We will probably be moving in the next couple of months. We are praying that God will allow us to move back to my house in the orchard. I just want things to be simple again. I think they are on the way, and I'm praying that God will continue to show us signs that we are headed the right way.
Be Blessed! God is Awesome!
Love to all,
I've had a sinus infection and ear infection since Saturday, and I'm finally feeling better. God is Awesome! My husband and I are planning on singing at church. We've picked out 4 songs and have been listening to all of them. The members at church, (by the way we go to Emory Baptist Church www.emorybaptist.org ) have been trying to get my husband, Norman, to join the choir. He does have a wonderful voice and sings harmony quite well. I'm still a little frightened about singing, but only because without someone to sing along with me, I can't keep the tune, unless it is in a bucket.
We will probably be moving in the next couple of months. We are praying that God will allow us to move back to my house in the orchard. I just want things to be simple again. I think they are on the way, and I'm praying that God will continue to show us signs that we are headed the right way.
Be Blessed! God is Awesome!
Love to all,
gifts of love,
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