Some days I wish life was as simple as that of one of my dogs. They sleep in a heated or cooled house depending on the season. They get breakfast & dinner served to them every day and are free to play as much as they want or as little as they want. They come and go as they please, fresh water, and a clean bed is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They have no laundry to do, no dishes to wash, no job to go to except one. There job on a daily basis is to bark at our neighbor I.W., the bloodhound at the yard in the back, the black/white cat that belongs to the neighbors across the street, and every large truck and siren in the town and that travels our street, oh and the red dog that just travels the neighborhood. As for as sisters go, they don't mind sharing their toys, and they like to play, but they will not and do not like to share their snacks or the attention that mom and dad give them. They love us unconditionally, and we love them. I can't imagine my life without one of them. Dixie, my cockerbeagle will be 10 in February. George, my not so miniature schnauzer will be 5 in August, and Sioux, my baby will be 4 in June. They are so excited to see us when we get home in the evenings or even after we have just run errands. They eagerly meet us at the door and want immediate attention. So for those of you who know me and my dogs, you know what I would and wouldn't do for them. They are and forever will be my babies. Here are pictures taken this week. Enjoy! Take care of your pets! They love you when no one else does.....
Sometimes kids are like dogs, the one thing though that I wouldn't mind changing is maybe getting them house broke, so they would go outside to potty ROFL sorry had to share that!!!