Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year + 3 days

Okay so I'm a little late posting the first blog for the New Year, but I've been sick since 12/27/09. So I've seen some blogs where people have made New Year Resolutions, but no one ever keeps them, so instead of resolutions I have set goals. Of course with goals you should allow for set backs and have a strategy for working around obstacles right? Okay well I'm not sure I have a strategy for working around the obstacles and they have already struck, so I'm just going to state my goals and pray again for divine intervention. I know God hears and its says you just have to claim it for it to be yours! So my cousin and I state our goals in an email on New Years Day and we have both claimed it. Of course now the devil gets to play havoc with our goals. So if you made New Years Resolutions, please feel free to share. If you made goals that is excellent as well. Please register your email address on the link to my blog. Okay and here are my goals:

0. To become more involved with church and make Jesus a bigger part of our lives.

1. To become or to be acknowledge as a published writer/author.

2. To find a income solution other than working as a general contractor for me and my husband.

3. To become debt free(this one will probably take longer than 1 year, but we will start)

4. To find land and build our house free and clear and live off of our land.

Those are not many goals, but it is a start. This is going to be our year and yes it has not started off on a great foot, but it can only get better. May God Bless you in 2010.

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