I have never been a pro football fan. I never ever watched it on TV unless it was the only TV in the house and that was what was on, and I had no say in the matter. One of the things that I love about my husband is that he is not a “big” sports fan. However, I think I want a definition of what exactly a “big” sports fan is. I mean, don’t get me wrong, there are a few things that are sports events that I like to watch. For example, bull riding, barrel racing and bronc riding are extremely exciting to me, as is Hockey. But when it comes to baseball, basketball, golf or tennis, none of those including football ever held my interest.
I’ve been married for almost 4 years now. I have never followed football and for the most part I could not tell you the quarterbacks name on any football team. However, I’m not really sure how this has happened, but I can now tell you more about football than I really want to know. I mean, Drees is the quarterback for the Saints, Favre for the Vikings, Romo for the Cowboys, Payton Manning for the Colts, and I’m sure I know more, but that is enough. My friends would probably laugh and probably will when they read this post. So what happened to me?
I married a man you channel surfs and watches two or three football games at a time. He has even got me watching basketball. I really find this humorous… I didn’t know a 1st down from any other play, and now I actually get excited to see if they are going to make 1st down or in some cases 4th and inches….
After the Saints played the Vikings yesterday, he asked me if my team won. My team? I don’t have a team, or do I? I’m sure there are other women out there that this has happened to in the past and will be others that it will happen to in the future… but I never thought it would happen to me.
This is my personal blogging spot. I hope to share pieces of my life that might interested others and inspire them to follow their dreams. Never give up on your dreams! To stop dreaming is to stop living!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Funny How Things Look in Hindsight
It just seemed that all of 2009 was such a struggle and 2010 is off to a rough start. After I quit my profession of 24 years, I assumed (everyone knows what that means) that I would have no problems making money at home. My pride, would not let me think otherwise. (Pride goeth before the fall). I tried many things and finally accepted failure. I took a job at a local furniture store, making $500 every two weeks, and was angry because I had felt that society, family and friends had let me down. No one was at fault; it was my assumption that was the problem, that and my pride. I was afraid to ask anyone for help. I didn't want anyone to know that there was something I couldn't do. Of course, it didn't help that we couldn't afford to live in my house any longer either. We finally moved in with my daughter after I gave my dogs to new owners. This by far has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. I turned back to payer and to God, finally, devastated, frustrated, and miserable, lost and confused. Things became worse before they got better. In May of 2009, my husband blacked out behind the wheel. He is doing fine, but to this day we still don't know why or what happened. But God has brought us through that. I continually pray for guidance. I've been told that the bible says we just have to claim our promises, desires and needs, and God will deliver. I've kept a prayer journal off and on since November of 2008. In January of 2009, I had symptoms of a heart attack and because I felt like I had failed my husband, I went to the emergency room and didn't want my husband called. I had the retarded thought that he didn't really love me and that he didn't care. I was wrong, very wrong. We are each others soul mate. We didn't marry each other for one to take care of the other. We married each other because we fell in love. I prayed to God to help our marriage and to help my husband's faith to be stronger as well as mine. It seems that the more I prayed the more difficult things became, and still are at times. It is said that there isn't anything that God brings you to, that He doesn't bring you through. We have to trust and believe that God will take care of all our needs and see us through. Things for 2010 are going to be better. This year our lives will get back to some semblance of normal. I still plan to make a living with my computer. I want my house back and I've prayed for over a year. Today I received a call from someone offering to help. Of course, it comes at a cost, but I know God will take care of that if it is meant to be. We have a new church home and I'm learning to stop and pray when there are issues. I still get tired of waiting and I'm really ready for the trials and tribulations to go away. God will get us through this year. My husband and I know this and we know that we have each other no matter what and that God is always with us. May God Bless you all. L
gifts of love,
Laura Farnsworth,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Life of a Dog

Some days I wish life was as simple as that of one of my dogs. They sleep in a heated or cooled house depending on the season. They get breakfast & dinner served to them every day and are free to play as much as they want or as little as they want. They come and go as they please, fresh water, and a clean bed is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They have no laundry to do, no dishes to wash, no job to go to except one. There job on a daily basis is to bark at our neighbor I.W., the bloodhound at the yard in the back, the black/white cat that belongs to the neighbors across the street, and every large truck and siren in the town and that travels our street, oh and the red dog that just travels the neighborhood. As for as sisters go, they don't mind sharing their toys, and they like to play, but they will not and do not like to share their snacks or the attention that mom and dad give them. They love us unconditionally, and we love them. I can't imagine my life without one of them. Dixie, my cockerbeagle will be 10 in February. George, my not so miniature schnauzer will be 5 in August, and Sioux, my baby will be 4 in June. They are so excited to see us when we get home in the evenings or even after we have just run errands. They eagerly meet us at the door and want immediate attention. So for those of you who know me and my dogs, you know what I would and wouldn't do for them. They are and forever will be my babies. Here are pictures taken this week. Enjoy! Take care of your pets! They love you when no one else does.....
Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year + 3 days
Okay so I'm a little late posting the first blog for the New Year, but I've been sick since 12/27/09. So I've seen some blogs where people have made New Year Resolutions, but no one ever keeps them, so instead of resolutions I have set goals. Of course with goals you should allow for set backs and have a strategy for working around obstacles right? Okay well I'm not sure I have a strategy for working around the obstacles and they have already struck, so I'm just going to state my goals and pray again for divine intervention. I know God hears and its says you just have to claim it for it to be yours! So my cousin and I state our goals in an email on New Years Day and we have both claimed it. Of course now the devil gets to play havoc with our goals. So if you made New Years Resolutions, please feel free to share. If you made goals that is excellent as well. Please register your email address on the link to my blog. Okay and here are my goals:
0. To become more involved with church and make Jesus a bigger part of our lives.
1. To become or to be acknowledge as a published writer/author.
2. To find a income solution other than working as a general contractor for me and my husband.
3. To become debt free(this one will probably take longer than 1 year, but we will start)
4. To find land and build our house free and clear and live off of our land.
Those are not many goals, but it is a start. This is going to be our year and yes it has not started off on a great foot, but it can only get better. May God Bless you in 2010.
0. To become more involved with church and make Jesus a bigger part of our lives.
1. To become or to be acknowledge as a published writer/author.
2. To find a income solution other than working as a general contractor for me and my husband.
3. To become debt free(this one will probably take longer than 1 year, but we will start)
4. To find land and build our house free and clear and live off of our land.
Those are not many goals, but it is a start. This is going to be our year and yes it has not started off on a great foot, but it can only get better. May God Bless you in 2010.
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