Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Picture is Worth

We have all heard the saying many times that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about the tone in someone's words.  The tongue it is said is as sharp as a two-edged sword, and I've been told on more than one occassion that I was mean, abrupt and bitter, and it doesn't matter if a person is smiling when they say those things, it still hurts.

Sarcasm is a great defensive mechanism and I used to use it all the time.  The other day some one said, "Who only own the words you speak.  You cannot control the way someone interprets them or takes them."  This is only too true.  In the long run, though, does it really matter.  If you say something totally unintentionally and someone is offended, is it your responsibility to apologize to them?  What if you don't know that you have offend them or hurt their feelings?  All you know is that now they are cold and distant. 

I posted a new profile picture of myself on Facebook.  It is very difficult to smile and take your own picture.  Someone said, "Great pic."  "Next time smile."  Funny thing is, I was smiling.  It wasn't a broad grin it was just a slight uplift at the corners of my mouth.  In the picture I look like I'm 100 years old or so it seems.  Situations in life do take their toll on you and I've been through some difficult things in the last two or three years, and stress has definitely help to age me.  I don't feel as old as I look in the photo, and the saying goes you are only as old as you feel right?

Here's a word of wisdom by the way, just because someone isn't smiling all the time, doesn't mean that they are angry or upset or unhappy.  They might just be in deep thought or facing a difficult decision.  So don't look at them and say smile.  Just smile at them and acknowledge them.  Chances are that they will smile back.
May you be filled with the loving spirit of God!  He is awesome.... Thank you Lord Jesus for everything you do in my life. 

Okay, here's the picture I posted on Facebook...  Actually I share the one I didn't post and the one I posted.

Not posted....  
One on the right, posted...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Separating Your Feelings

There are times lately that I have a hard time separating out my feelings.  I pretty sure most of it is because I am going to recovery meetings and it takes you through a lot of self-examination.  During the day, my mood fluctuates so much that I can cry one minute and laugh myself to tears the next.  Are my hormones screwed up?  Probably.  I've needed to go to the doctor for hormonal issues for more than a year.  No health insurance and lack of income stop me from going. 

Some days I feel I have given up a lot in the last few years and I am resentful that I've had to do that, not because I was asked to give them up, but because I had to make some very difficult decisions.  Do I ever wish I could turn back time?  Several hundred times a week.  Would it make a difference?  Probably not. 

But I do have some regrets that have caused a lot of guilt feelings.  The guilt won't seem to go away, and I hope as I travel through on the road to recovery, that they will.  I lean more on God every day.  I find myself praying and don't even realize that I am doing it.  I find myself singing a song in my head from church service on Sunday morning, or from one I've been listening too on the radio at the house.  It's not a bad thing, because it keeps me from reliving things from my past.  It keeps anger at bay.  And I feel closer to God and eventually kind of calm inside. 

The dreams that are happening, I'm sure stem from recovery and having to analyze things from my past.  One or two things that keep coming back to surface is the question about being selfish.  I've never thought of myself as being selfish, maybe I am and just don't see.  I'm sure I could pose the question to family and friends and they would be more than happy to answer.  Oh but am I ready for that part of recovery?  I'm not even sure I'm ready for recovery. 

Okay and just as a reminder, recovery is not just for drug addicts or alcoholics.  It is for people who have been hurt in their past from many different things or maybe because they have other addictions that could eventually harm them or ruin their lives.  So before you look down your nose at someone because they are attending recovery meetings, examine your own past.  Maybe you need to go too!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fast Income Systems

Hello Everyone!

You saw the blog on Peak Profits and I mentioned in that site about a sister site that you can sign up for free if you join Peak Profits.  The name of the sister site is Fast Income Systems.  This site allows you to promote a product, with your own site with out have to buy a domain name, buy hosting, creating the website, etc..

You can join this site, and you don't have to join Peak Profits.  It is an awesome way to promote products and build an online income.  Again, this is not a get rich quick scheme..  You are not going to be rich over night, and I would not refer this site if I did not believe in the creator.  Please take a moment and click on the link below.  You have nothing to lose and if you don't join, no big deal. 

Enjoy!  Take a few minutes!  And maybe find the answer to a dream!

Fast Income Systems

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Peak Profits

Dear Friends,

I’m writing this letter because we are all looking for something better. I’ve been trying things for years that will make me money working from home. Everyone offers a sure fire opportunity, no lose situation, make millions overnight. That is just not possible! I started searching again for opportunities with little or no start up costs. I’m not good at making sales calls and I don’t want to have to hit on my friends to buy my products that I’m selling.

I’ve done free lance writing and you can make money, but you have to write for 12 hours a day and sometimes it only pays pennies for 500 hundred words or more. Although I love writing, that is still not putting money in my account on a regular basis.

In January, as I scoured the internet for some way to start an internet business or a business that I can do from home, I found a website called Peak Profits. I signed up and began following the business plan layout. I have one site that is up and running called, http://dixiedogtreatsntraining.com and I’m working on a second site which is called, http://madamescrawlersink.net, which will promote books, short stories, and content for sell for websites and I will also being offering my services to provide content for clients.

Peak Profits is a unique website. It is not a get rich quick scheme or make millions overnight website. What it will do is teach you how to find a niche and start your own business. There is nothing free in this world, except prayer and Jesus. You have to be willing to spend a little money to make some money. My sites are still in the beginning stages and it does take work. However, I encourage you to check out this site. I’m including a link, and yes it is my referral link. I make a recurring commission of 50% on every person who signs up as a member to participate, and stays in the program. What you get is the chance to make some money and have income on a regular basis and not have to drive in traffic or sit in an office in a 4 x 4 cube for 8 to 12 hours a day. When you sign up for one site, you can also join a second absolutely free!  Please take a few moments and check it out! You can also make a commission on referring Peak Profits. Remember you have access to help through a member’s forum once you sign up and you get your answers quickly, simply and everyone is helpful.

You have nothing to lose by reading over the information! Please click on the link below and it will take you to the sign up page.

Thank you for your time,


Peak Profits