I guess I'm writing today, just to catch everyone up on us. I worked at the church all week last week and put in 36 hours. Whew Hoo! Good paycheck coming. Norman and the guys are working in Cedar Hill on a nice size job and that is good. We got the medical release from the Texas Department of Public Safety and he gets to keep his driver's license. Yeah Buddy!
I'm updating my resume, signed up for a online job opportunity, but still looking for something that will help us to make more ends meet! Haha! We've been living in this trailer for almost a year now, sad thing is based on the shape the trailer is in, we won't renew our lease so I'm off looking for a place to move. I want to find some place permanent. I'm not sure that is possible based on income at this point, but we are praying. (SO if I pray for a place rent free for one year, do you think God will answer????) I haven't had time to write or do a lot of work on my websites. I know that I can make some money from them, just need to get more hours in the day. We had a wonderful Easter service at our church. The church had a marketplace set up and we dressed as characters starting on Palm Sunday.That is the picture at the top. My husband is standing beside the Roman Soldier. May God Bless you all!..